The Word every day: 17-23 November, 2024

Commentary on the Readings of the Day by Father Giordano Favillini

Sunday 17/11

Mark 13: 26-27

Jesus said, ‘Then they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with great power and glory. He will send angels and gather his elect from the four winds’. Jesus promised that He will return no longer in human poverty but with the glory of God. We will all be called before Him and in that final encounter the true identity of each one will emerge and what is to be purified will be cleansed and what is to be completed will be fulfilled.

Monday 18/11

Luke 18: 35-37

A blind man was sitting by the road. They announced to him, ‘Jesus the Nazarene is passing by. Then he cried out, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me. When we live in superficiality conditioned by the banality of the media, submerged by the consumerist mentality, we let Jesus pass in vain on the road of our existence. We do not say that God does not hear us, that he has abandoned us.

Tuesday 19/11

Luke 19:10

For the son of man came to seek and to save what was lost. Even now Jesus mysteriously comes to seek especially the worst and the neediest, how many stories of conversion take place in these times, how much hope they give us.

Wednesday 20/11

Luke 19:26

Jesus said: ‘From the one who has will be given, while from the one who does not have will be taken away even what he has’. Inactivity and laziness, living too focused on oneself, could jeopardise the acquisition of the eternal happiness that the Lord has prepared for us.

Thursday 21/11

Luke 19:41

When Jesus was near Jerusalem at the sight of the city he wept over it. The human heart of Jesus weeps, he is saddened by the evil, the violence, the wickedness of man. He does not become angry but is deeply moved because He loves us infinitely and seeks to bring about repentance and conversion.

Friday 22/11

Luke 19: 47-48

The chief priests and scribes were trying to make Jesus die but they did not know what to do because all the people were hanging on his every word. He who proclaims the truth in love fascinates those with a clear conscience, but he who has a guilty conscience arouses anger and incites persecution, so it is in every age.

Saturday 23/11

Luke 20: 37-38

Jesus said: ‘That the dead rise again Moses also pointed this out. God is not of the dead but of the living because all live for him. God, who is life, has communicated life to us, death does not exist, we pass from life in a body to life in the spirit. Life is not taken away but transformed.

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