The Word every day: 16-22 March, 2025

Commentary on the Readings of the Day by Father Giordano Favillini

Sunday 16/03

Luke 9:29

Jesus as he prayed his face changed in appearance and his garment became white and blazing. Genuine prayer is always an encounter with the Lord and this encounter leaves a mark, the blazing joy of the soul and the light of the mind.

Monday 17/03

Luke 6:38

Give and it will be given to you, for with the measure with which you measure it will be measured to you in return. Generosity, however it is expressed, will always have a positive return. Avarice always breeds fruitlessness and ingratitude.

Tuesday 18/03

Matthew 23:8

Jesus addressed his disciples saying: ‘But do not be called guides, for one is your guide, the Christ. Beware of those who present themselves and presume to be guides. Many times they lead into traps or cages, from which it is difficult to get out. The Gospel is the guide.

Wednesday 19/03

Saint Joseph

Matthew 1: 20-21

An angel of the Lord said to him: ‘Joseph, do not be afraid to take Mary with you; she will give birth to a son, and you shall call his name Jesus; for he will save his people from sin’. Just as Joseph was a co-operator in the work of redemption by becoming the legal father of Jesus, so now he continues his fatherhood on our behalf. Let us be helped by him.

Thursday 20/03

Luke 16:25

‘Son, remember that in life you had your goods and Lazarus his evils, but now in this way he is comforted, you on the other hand are in the midst of torment.’ It is wisdom to invest in eternal life, using even the material goods we have in this world. Riches also serve this purpose.

Friday 21/03

Matthew 21:45

The chief priests and Pharisees tried to capture Jesus but were afraid of the crowd because they considered him a prophet. Even today those who seek the truth and consider Jesus a prophet and a teacher, but those who lie and conceal the truth, persecute Jesus and those who follow him.

Saturday 22/03

Luke 15: 1-2

All publicans and sinners came to Jesus to listen to him. The Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, ‘He welcomes sinners and eats with them’. Jesus does not discriminate against anyone, he welcomes everyone, but those who do not seek truth and justice are distrustful, prejudiced and reject the work of Jesus.

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