The Word every day: 10-16 November, 2024

Commentary on the Readings of the Day by Father Giordano Favillini

Sunday 10 November

Mark 12: 42 and 44

Once a poor widow who threw two coins that make a penny, in fact everyone threw part of their superfluous she instead in her misery threw everything she had, everything she had to live. Faith invites us to offer everything to God knowing that he will return everything we have offered one hundred, the more you give the more you receive.

Monday 11 November

Luke 17:6

The Apostles said to the Lord: “Faith increases in us!”.If you have faith as much as a mustard grain you could tell this mulberry: “uprooted and go to plant you in the sea”. And it would obey you. Faith moves everything, the unexpected becomes possible, the inadequate does wonderful things, the wicked becomes holy.

Tuesday 12 November

Luke 17:10

When you have done everything that has been ordered you say: “We are useless, we did how much we had to do”.The boasting for the good works made or the presumption of demanding awards is a sign that you live for your own self, not for God and for the good of others.

Wednesday 13 November

Luke 17:12

Ten lepers came to meet him who stopped at a distance and said aloud: “Jesus Maestro has mercy on us”. In any kind of illness we find ourselves remember that man takes care of but who heals is the Lord so we always invoke the name of Jesus on our evils.

Thursday 14 November

Luke 17: 20 and 21

They asked Jesus: “When will the kingdom of God come?”.Here is the kingdom of God is among you. If we seek God in sensationalism or extraordinary often we find religious emotion or an epidemic faith that vanishes like snow in the sun.

Friday 15 November

Luke 17:37

And he said to them: “Where the corpse will also gather together the vultures.” Often in social reality popularity is created around those who fall asleep consciences and not to those who indicate the way of truth.

Saturday 16 November

Luke 18:8

But when will the son of man find faith on earth? Faith is a delicate seedling. The superficial, the violent, the presumptuous tramplers, but the researchers tireless of truth and love cultivate it.

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