The voice of a pope, coming through loudly without shouting

During the evening of March 6, a brief audio message piped in from the Pope broke the silence in St. Peter’s Square

The world has not seen him for three weeks, since the day he was hospitalized. And last night, before the recitation of the Holy Rosary, his voice resonated again in St. Peter’s Square, where so many faithful pray for his health every day.

A few words, spoken in Spanish, from a hospital bed that, at the moment, became his altar.

“I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for my health from the Square, I accompany you from here. May God bless you and may the Virgin keep you. Thank you.”

The applause came immediately, in response to a gesture of great generosity on the part of Pope Francis. The crowd of those present, but also those who listened to the audio later, suddenly feel a relief to the loneliness.

Despite the breathlessness and the feeble voice, in fact, the Pope’s weakness becomes a great strength. Strength of faith and of a great love for humanity that goes beyond illness, suffering. Strength and encouragement for those waiting for him to recover and return.

Because the truth is that we miss him.

Because, in a mass of people who follow the current and their own self-interest, he is the voice that is out of tune, calling on the world to be welcoming, just, merciful.
Because, in a historical moment of closures, wars, violence even in tone, he is the voice that does not shout, but knows how to get his message of hope and peace across loud and clear.

The prayers of many are joined by spazio + spadoni, with the gratitude of those who recognize the man of God capable of being a father to all.

His embrace of mercy for every brother and sister has arrived.

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