The Holy Father: Women Will Have Roles of Responsibility in the Vatican

“La Civiltà Cattolica” publishes Francis’ full conversation with 150 Jesuit brothers from Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands in the Collège Saint-Michel in Brussels

The Pontiff addresses the topic of the role of women and quotes Ursula von der Leyen, then encourages us to “not be afraid of anything” and go to the borders. And he reiterates the invitation to welcome and integrate migrants: “Europe no longer has children , he’s getting old.”

The theme of women and their role in the Church, which emerged several times during the September 26-29 trip to Luxembourg and Belgium, was also central in Pope Francis’ conversation with the 150 Jesuits he met in Brussels. As in every apostolic journey, Francis did not miss a private appointment with members of the Society of Jesus in the program, that day sandwiched between the visit to the campus of the Université Catholique of Louvain and the surprise stop at the Brussels Expo Palace with 6 thousand young people gathered for a vigil.

The meeting with the brothers not only from Belgium, but also from Luxembourg and the Netherlands, took place in the Collège Saint-Michel. A confidential appointment, interspersed with questions and answers on topics inherent to the mission of the Society of Jesus today or on the current affairs of the world and the Church – from secularization to inculturation, from the Synod to migrations – and also by a song sung on the guitar at the opening by the superior of the Region of the Netherlands, Father Marc Desmet. As always, La Civiltà Cattolica is publishing the full text of the dialogue today, in an article written by Father Antonio Spadaro which highlights its “spontaneity” and “immediacy”.



Salvatore Cernuzio – Vatican City

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