The Forum of the ReEvolution of Works of Mercy in Cotonou, Benin

Approaching The Forum on Divine Mercy in Benin

As well as Burkina Faso, Congo, Kenya and other African countries, the Beninese are actively preparing to participate in the Divine
Mercy in Cotonou. It is precisely the Diocese of Cotonou that has been chosen this year by Spazio Spadoni to organize the Forum for the reEvolution of the Works of Mercy. The choice of the Diocese of Cotonou was made in March 2023 because of its legendary experience in organizing such an event. From then on, the coordination of activities was entrusted to the Focolare Community of Benin through Sister Hélène Chizoba O.

On June 28, 2023, a team went to the Archbishop of Cotonou, Monsignor Roger HOUNGBEDJI, O.P. to present to him the organizational program of the Forum and receive his blessing. It was an opportunity for the bishop to exchange some fraternal words online with the founder of Spazio Spadoni, Mr. Luigi Spadoni. After this nice moment, the organizing team started the concrete preparation of the “Forum,” “reEvolution of the Works of Mercy.”

After setting the date of the Forum from November 25 to 26, 2023, the Archbishop entrusted, together with Sister Hélène, his Episcopal Vicar for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Father Epiphane S. NAYETON, the Mother Superior of the Sisters of St. Augustine of Benin, Mother Philomène FATON, President of the Union of Major Superiors of Benin in the preparation of the different activities of this Forum.

More than 200 participants are expected, including different realities of the local Church such as apostolic nuncios, bishops, priests, religious men and women, catechists, families, youth and media. The media will also be used to publicize the Forum. In fact, it will be possible to follow the event via live streaming. In addition, Radio Maria has already produced two broadcasts on the theme of the Forum.

There has been no shortage of challenges in preparing such important events, namely the lack of time on the part of the various congregations to work together. It also took a long time to find the venue, the different rooms. There were also logistical challenges. We had so many people working for us. Despite everything, we thank God for giving us the opportunity to experience this synodal moment with His Mercy.


The residents of Spadoni Space are wont to repeat:

“Let us enter OPERAM! And let us flood everyone and everyone with works and say.

God’s Mercy is at Work

And we always respond!”

From today start using our motto. When you greet, when you rise, when you meet, when you do and share a Work.

Let’s build and cross the network of OPERAM together.

Programme Forum Benin


Spazio Spadoni

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