The dreams of an African child… COMMUNITY

The dreams of an African child
Image digitally created by spazio + spadoni

What does an African child dream about?
We will find out in this new column, by Xaverian missionary Father Oliviero Ferro

And when we understand that dreams (but not rights and possibilities) are the same as those of our children, it will be time to wake up and perform works of mercy.

Because through them, an African child (and others) will be able to live in the joy of being able to dream of something that can become possible


On Sunday, the Lord’s Day, everyone is invited to prayer, to community gathering.

The children take the first places and it is hard to keep them quiet. The older ones help them follow the celebration. But after a while, they begin to get tired. Some, without fail, fall asleep on their neighbor’s legs. The younger ones begin to circulate all over the place.

Then you have to start making them sing and dance. And as if by magic, they wake up and everything becomes a party. They feel important, part of a community, part of a larger family.

They begin to understand that there are many other children, like them, who want to feel as one.

And so, it comes naturally to do something for them, to gather them into small groups (like Catholic Action boys or the scouts). Make them play, make them feel like important people, even if they are still little.

And it’s nice, then, after the celebration to stop and talk, play with them.

I always remember one day they told me all the news about the village and together with them we went to visit some old and sick people.

They know everything and they know you well. With them you cannot pretend. They immediately understand if you love them, if they are important to you and to the community.

Then you can ask them whatever you want, they will be the first to love you…and to play tricks on you, especially when you are learning the local language. They take a special relish in seeing your mistakes and your efforts to learn. They can tell right away if you have come for them.

So look into their eyes, into those big eyes that hold so many dreams and so much desire to live in a more beautiful, child-friendly world.




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