Festive Gospel Comments Gospel for Sunday, May 9: John 15: 9-17 Carlo Miglietta May 9, 2021 VI SUNDAY OF EASTER 9As the Father loved me, I too have loved you. Stay in my love. 10If you keep my…
Festive Gospel Comments Gospel for Sunday, May 2: John 15: 1-8 Carlo Miglietta May 2, 2021 V SUNDAY OF EASTER 1I am the true vine and my Father is the farmer. 2Every branch in me that does not bear…
Festive Gospel Comments Gospel for Sunday, April 25: John 10: 11-18 Carlo Miglietta Apr 25, 2021 IV SUNDAY OF EASTER 11I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. 12The mercenary -…
Festive Gospel Comments Gospel for Sunday, April 11: John 20: 19-31 Carlo Miglietta Apr 11, 2021 II SUNDAY OF EASTER 19In the evening of that same day, the first after the Sabbath, while the doors of the place…
Festive Gospel Comments Gospel for Friday, April 2: John 18-19 Carlo Miglietta Apr 2, 2021 PASSION OF JESUS ACCORDING TO JOHN 20Among those who had come up for worship during the festival there were also…
Festive Gospel Comments Gospel for Thursday, April 1: John 13: 1-15 Carlo Miglietta Apr 1, 2021 Washing of the Saints Feet 1Before the feast of Easter, Jesus, knowing that his hour had come to pass from this…
Festive Gospel Comments Gospel for Sunday, March 21: John 12: 20-33 Carlo Miglietta Mar 21, 2021 John 12: 20-33 20Among those who had come up for worship during the festival there were also some Greeks. 21They…
Festive Gospel Comments Gospel for Sunday, March 14: John 3, 14-21 Carlo Miglietta Mar 14, 2021 John 3, 14-21 14And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15so…
Festive Gospel Comments Gospel for Sunday, March 7: John 2: 13-25 Carlo Miglietta Mar 7, 2021 John 2: 13-25 13Meanwhile, the Passover of the Jews was approaching and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14He found…
Festive Gospel Comments Gospel for Thursday, January 7: John 1: 35-42 Carlo Miglietta Jan 7, 2021 John 1: 35-42 35The next day John was still there with two of his disciples 36and, fixing his gaze on Jesus as…