T like “tornare” (go back)
What language do missionaries “speak”? Theirs is an alphabet of mercy, with letters that breathe life back into words and generate works
“Wakati gani utakaporudia mu Africa? (When will you return To Africa)?” and I would answer this question, ”Mungu tu anajua (only God knows).” Of course I would have liked to know, but the ways of the Lord, His programs are unknown. When you least expect it, surprises come your way.
Whenever a missionary goes on vacation, after a few years living in the mission, the question is always that. Maybe it’s because the
people have grown fond of you, maybe because you too have begun to feel at home, maybe because you have caught “Africa sickness.”
A disease that is hard to cure except by going back there.
When they hear you speak or read what you write, this question comes naturally to you, “What are you waiting for to return?”
The answer is always that, “I would walk back there, even if it is six thousand kilometers away.” Then you have to resign yourself to doing what your leaders ask, however, you keep dreaming of the day you return to the “promised land.”
I remember, when I first left Africa (I had been there for 5 years) and had to return in a hurry because I was sick, I wondered if I would return. Then, fortunately, everything went well.
At least you can get the medicine. They often have difficulty paying for all the treatment.
Then when, speaking in their language, you get a few words wrong and they laugh. Then, in all humility, you accept the
corrections and you go back to study. And the list would be long.
Every time you return to Africa, perhaps changing states, as happened to me (from Congo DRC to Cameroon, after 11 years in Italy), they tell you, “Look things are different from what you read in the newspapers or were told. Here you are serving the people.
You don’t lead, but you serve.”
And so, you have to accept everything willingly and discover a new dimension of the mission that is the real one, of sharing, of noticing the talents, the qualities that people have, especially the simplest ones.
You have to know how to put yourself back in the game every time, without getting discouraged, without saying then what I learned is no longer useful. No, it was the basis, but now you have to add new things that people teach you.
It’s a daily discovery. It’s a returning and re-turning that is good for you, keeps you young, and why not, sometimes even makes you smile and say, “but look how interesting life is!”
- Father Oliviero Ferro
- digitally created by spazio + spadoni