St. Joseph: Patron of the Congregation and the Movement spazio + spadoni
St. Joseph, a central figure in the life of the Church, is the Patron of the Sisters of our Lady Counsel Congregation and of spazio + spadoni
His life of service, obedience and dedication is the ideal model for those working in the mission of mercy and formation of new generations
St. Joseph and the Vocation to Mercy
St. Joseph was a righteous, silent and faithful man, able to respond promptly to God’s call. His life of total dedication to the Holy Family represents the essence of the Works of Mercy: caring for others with love, humility and sacrifice.
The Sisters of Our Lady of Good Counsel in Mbarara, Uganda, see St. Joseph as the perfect inspiration for their mission of evangelization and service to the least of these.
Following his example, they dedicate themselves to the education and integral formation of vulnerable youth, orphans and refugees, transmitting to them the values of justice, obedience and respect.
St. Joseph: Model of Education and Formation
In their daily work, the Sisters encourage young people to adopt the virtues of St. Joseph, recognizing him as a teacher of life and faith. His discipline, love for God and consistency in actions become a guide for those preparing to face the challenges of the world with dignity and responsibility.
Training and mentoring sessions organized by the Sisters aim to develop in young people a deep awareness of their role in society, inspired by the teachings of St. Joseph:
- Obedience and respect: just as St. Joseph obeyed God’s will, young people are encouraged to respect their parents, teachers, and authority figures.
- Work and responsibility: St. Joseph was a hard-working craftsman, and youth are trained to develop a strong work ethic and to perform their tasks with commitment.
- Perseverance in faith: St. Joseph faced difficulties and uncertainties with trust in God. The Sisters convey to young people the importance of prayer and trust in Providence.
St. Joseph and the Works of Mercy
The spazio + spadoni Movement is committed to spreading the Works of Mercy, following the example of St. Joseph as a spiritual and practical guide. The Sisters of Mbarara integrate these works into their daily service:
Visiting the sick: just as St. Joseph cared for the Holy Family, young people are encouraged to visit the sick, bringing comfort and prayer.
Care for the poor: St. Joseph’s teaching inspires them to share with those in need, helping the less fortunate with generosity.
Forgiveness and reconciliation: the value of forgiveness, so dear to St. Joseph, is promoted in communities to foster peace and social harmony.
Feeding the Hungry: following the example of St. Joseph, young people are educated to care for those suffering from lack of food, promoting a culture of solidarity.
St. Joseph and the Spirituality of Mission
St. Joseph is also a model of consecrated life. His chastity and total dedication to God inspire the Sisters in their vocation to the evangelical counsels of poverty, obedience and chastity. His intercession is constantly invoked so that missionary works may bear spiritual and material fruits in the communities served.
St. Joseph, Patron of the Congregation and the spazio + spadoni Movement, is a beacon of light for those committed to mercy and mission. His life of faith, work and sacrifice continues to inspire generations of believers who work to spread the Works of Mercy around the world.
Following his example, the Movement and congregations devoted to him pursue a path of hope, formation and service so that every community can grow in justice and charity.
Saint Joseph, pray for us!