Sister Petronie, Ambassador of Works of Mercy, Recounts Her Experience
HIC SUM: Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” and I answered, Here am I, send me! (Isaiah 6:8)
I am Sister Petronie Toyi. I come from Burundi. My congregation is the Family Institute of the Disciples of Christ, Burundi. When the Institute joined the HIC SUM project, it chose me to attend the space + swords training that started on July 6, 2024 in Rome. This training made me thoroughly acquainted with the spazio + spadoni movement.
The Lord in his great love called me to do this formation journey in Palanzano Parish precisely through spazio + spadoni. The latter is a movement that carries out missionary action by promoting the spread of works of mercy in the world. It supports missionary congregations, promotes mercy projects in mission lands, and strengthens the cultural dimension of mission and mercy of charitable organizations.
In fact, after a week-long training in Rome on the works of mercy, I headed to the Diocese of Parma to the Parish of Palanzano.
The whole month of July I was with the children of the parish who were attending GREST. I was a trainer like the other trainers. GREST was a very joyful time with the children and youth and a great opportunity to show God’s mercy. I met young people who, seeing me with the scarf around my neck. Responding to so many curiosities, it was a perfect moment when I took the opportunity to talk about the works of mercy and spazio + spadoni.
With the children and trainers, I also had the opportunity to get to know the area. For example, we took a field trip to the Pietra di Bismantova, a large rock in the Reggio Emilia Apennines whose profile somewhat resembles the shape of a ship.
Parish activity
Pastor Fr. Pino welcomed me well into his parish and made sure that the community would do the same. Therefore, the first thing he did was to introduce me and include me in the parish group that does ministerial service. Also, with the pastor and some people from the community, every Saturday we went to a festival, a symbol of the conviviality of a country, and every Sunday to each celebration that were held in the different little churches that make up the parish community.
The trades I learned in Palanzano
The training in Palanzano Parish lasted two months. It was an important, very dynamic time in which I learned many “trades” that will help me in my mission in Burundi and in successfully carrying out the HIC SUM project.
The pastor, the project tutor and the people who would follow me to Palanzano had carefully organized the weeks of training so that I could learn as much as possible. The first week was dedicated to bread making: I learned how to make bread, pasta, pizza, cookies and other products some of which were also typical of the area such as tortelli.
The second week, on the other hand, I was busy doing the vegetable garden. In this regard I sincerely thank the lady from Valcieca who welcomed me and taught me so willingly, the techniques for growing and caring for vegetables. I went on to harvest plums in the parish garden and make jam.
Time ran fast and was not enough to enjoy the many experiences the area offers.
One week I spent at the Red Cross in Palanzano. They taught me first aid maneuvers in case of sudden illness, accident or sickness.
I also had the opportunity to hang out with the village seamstress who offered me some useful knowledge for everyday life.
Finally, on the tail end of my education, I was taken to visit a barn where they produce milk and the products that come from it. This last experience was also important because it will surely come in handy in my community in Burundi.
After leaving the Palanzano community, I went to Popiglio to the Dominican Sisters for about ten days. There I was visited by Sister Gloriose, whom I had met in Rome, and Selene: it was a moment of indescribable joy.
Today, a few days after my return to Burundi, I am ready to face the world, fortified by the love of the merciful Christ. I am ready to be an Ambassador of spazio + spadoni for the reEvolution of Works of Mercy. Like Isaiah, I said, “Here I am,” and now I leave, confident in the promise that the Lord will be with me every step of the way.
I would like to express my deep gratitude.
First, to God for his guidance and for instilling in me the strength and courage to follow this path of experience with space + spadoni in Palanzano.
To Luigi Spadoni and all of spazio + spadoni for the trust they have placed in me and my congregation.
To my Congregation of the Disciples of Christ who offered me the opportunity to undergo this noble training on the Works of Mercy.
My thanks are also extended to the Pastor, Fr. Pino, for welcoming me into his community to carry out the formation of spazio + spadoni while also ensuring my human, spiritual and intellectual formation.
To the Congregation of the Little Daughters, especially the community of Palanzano, who accompanied me with dedication, love and availability during my stay here.
I address my thanks to you, kind parishioners of Palanzano for your warm welcome and fraternal closeness in moments of joy and also in moments of fatigue.
To the Congregation Dominican Sisters Handmaids of the Lord of Popiglio who offered me lodging after I finished my formation course.
Finally, I thank each one for the prayers.
Please continue to pray for me so that my steps will always follow the true Light that is Christ and so that everything I have experienced here in Italy may always be alive in me so that I can pass it on to all those whom the Lord will place on my path.
I assure you of my prayers and ask the Lord to shower us with His blessings.
God’s mercy is in action. Always!
Sister Petronie Toyi