Sister Palmarita Guida – Mashà – The parables: fragrance of mercy
Luigi Spadoni interviews Sister Palmarita Guida author of the book
Can you tell us a little bit about your spiritual journey and how you came to devote yourself to writing?
I have always enjoyed writing. I did it from a very young age, writing diaries and poems. In ’97 I decided to write my first book after much research into the true story of the miraculous medal and the apparitions of Our Lady at Rue di Bac in 1830 in Paris. Since then I have written thirty-six–all about spirituality, which is my favorite genre.
What were the key moments in your life that brought you closer to mercy as a central theme?
I have always perceived God’s mercy in my life. A key moment was when I decided to found a new religious order. I felt determined to do it but I was afraid of it. I felt inadequate. There I sensed His mercy that used a weak instrument like me to do great things.
What inspired you to write “Mashàl – The parables: fragrance of mercy”?
Mashàl was born from a careful reading of Jesus’ parables, which all have mercy as a common thread, at least that’s how I read them. There is no page in the Gospel that does not speak of mercy.
What are the main lessons of mercy you hope readers will draw from your book?
I hope readers can feel touched by God’s merciful love that not only forgives but recreates.
How can the parables in your book be applied in people’s daily lives?
The parables put us in a situation. That is, they push us to take a position in front of what is happening. In this sense, the parable can be applied to each of us, to our own lives and decide what to do or not to do.
What specific parable do you think is particularly relevant in today’s world?
The parable of the Merciful Father. We are in a society that no longer has the concept of fatherhood and motherhood. Nor of authority. These are all values that need to be revised in the light of the Gospel. We need to rediscover ourselves as children of the Father. Only in this way can one be generative and discover oneself as a brother.
What has been your writing routine and how did you find the balance between religious life and writing?
The balance between writing and religious life has not been difficult to find at all because everything I experience and is then brought into prayer turns into a story to write, a formation to give, a “think tank” to cultivate.
Where can readers purchase the book and follow you for any updates or future events?
The book can be purchased at all Catholic bookstores, at my fraternity office at the email address srpalmaritaguida@gmail.com and also in eBook format on Amazon.