Selene Pera – Yet You Live Even Like This
The story of the missionary trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo
Selene Pera, whom we at spazio + spadoni know very well, will present her book for the first time on Friday, July 19 at the garden of the Mother House of the Sisters of St. Gemma Camigliano, Lucca.
Selene, what is this book about?
The book recounts some of the experiences I had during my three months in the Democratic Republic of Congo, during my last missionary trip that started in November 2023. Within the book there are also parts about Burundi and Rwanda, which I was lucky enough to visit for a week or so during my time in Africa.
Was this your first time in Africa?
No, this was the third time I chose to go on a mission trip. The first time was in 2012, right after my graduation. Then the following year I went again, again to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Finally on October 22, 2023, World Mission Day, I left again for the third time.
What prompted you to return to Africa?
Definitely a deep missionary desire that has never faded over the years, but also a series of family circumstances that made me realize that this was the right time.
Did you have to take any specific training before you left?
I did not undergo any structured training. But on this point I want to explain myself well. On a daily basis, thanks to space + spadoni I interface with the missionary style of the women religious who also tell us, relative to their projects, about the realities they live. Two years ago we organized a missionary formation at the Convent of San Cerbone also supported by the Diocesan Missionary Center of Lucca. Every day I deal with the Sisters of St. Gemma, who welcomed me to their communities in Bukavu and Kavimvira in Congo, so I was prepared about the reality I was going to live in Africa. Before every trip, I always consult the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to inform myself well what is the geopolitical situation of the country I am going to visit. In short, you cannot leave without any kind of training or preparation. There must be such preparation so that those who go can live the mission with awareness and those who welcome are put in a position to be able to do so with serenity, without nasty surprises about the reactions that a reality so different from ours can generate within us.
How much wealth did you bring back to Italy from this trip?
This is really a difficult question. The wealth that a missionary experience can offer you is not quantifiable. Definitely a different way of approaching everyday life, the little things. It is an immense personal baggage that is added to the pre-existing one.
What role did spazio + spadoni play in your missionary experience?
Undoubtedly the role of spazio + spadoni has been central especially in nurturing the missionary desire already present in me. The constant presence of the sisters and the many projects with them, made the dream of traveling and every day, seeing them in all corners of the world, where space + spadoni operates, grew in me the desire to reach them, to also experience their culture, to act in the field together with them. A desire so great, irrepressible, that at some point it was as if it exploded within me resulting in the decision to leave.
How did the idea of writing a book about this experience come about?
I kept a diary in the time I was in Africa and I had said to myself, “Maybe someday I’ll publish it,” then upon returning, I had put that hypothesis aside for a moment. The idea of writing an actual book was suggested to me and I welcomed it. It seemed like a good way to introduce the missionary reality to family, friends and the many young people who, I hope, will have a chance to read this book. And why not….I hope that someone will be infected by the great joy I felt in Africa and, intrigued, will look out in this richly charged way.