Saint of the Day November 25: St. Catherine of Alexandria

St. Catherine of Alexandria: Life, Martyrdom and Spiritual Legacy


St. Catherine of Alexandria




287, Alexandria, Egypt


305, Alexandria, Egypt


25 November


2004 edition


O candid flower of heaven and glorious St. Catherine, who, enriched by nature and grace with all the prerogatives that can promise great fortune in the world, never complacent about anything other than to observe exactly the most holy law of Jesus Christ, and in confessing His faith (washing to judges and tyrants, obtain for us, we beseech Thee, the grace never to instigate except the true goods, that is, the true Faith in Jesus, nor to be solicitous other than to advance in holiness. Grant us Your benign protection in the evils of this life and guide us, by the example of Your virtues, to the health of eternal life.

Patron Saint of

Scandiano, Gorgonzola, Guastalla, Grammichele, Pedara, Locri, Paceco, Bertinoro, Deruta, Dorgali

Protector of

Papermakers, potters, philosophers, millers, seamstresses, students

Roman Martyrology

In Alexandria St. Catherine, Virgin and Martyr, who, put in prison for her confession of the Christian faith under Emperor Maximinus, and then at length tormented with scorpions, finally beheaded accomplished her martyrdom. Her body, miraculously transported by Angels to Mount Sinai, is religiously venerated there by the numerous concourse of Christians.


The Saint and Mission

St. Catherine of Alexandria, an emblematic figure in the history of Christianity, offers a rich and profound perspective on the Christian mission. Her story, though shrouded in a veil of legend and mystery, speaks of a woman of extraordinary intelligence and faith, whose commitment to defending Christianity and confronting pagan philosophy left an indelible mark.

St. Catherine’s mission was characterized by her firm belief in the truth of the Christian faith and her willingness to engage in dialogue with the most brilliant minds of her time. Her challenge to the philosophers and wise men of the time, which, according to tradition, culminated in a great public debate, demonstrates a rare combination of intelligence, eloquence and deep faith. This aspect of her life illustrates an approach to mission that is not limited to preaching, but extends to intellectual dialogue and confrontation of ideas.

Moreover, the story of St. Catherine of Alexandria tells us about her courage in the face of persecution and her martyrdom. Her refusal to abandon her faith and submit to the emperor’s demands, even in the face of the threat of death, is a powerful example of Christian witness. Her martyrdom became a symbol of endurance and fidelity to the Gospel, inspiring countless Christians in subsequent generations.

St. Catherine’s life also reminds us of the importance of the role of women in the mission of the Church. Her figure as an intellectual, theologian and martyr challenges traditional perceptions of women’s roles in society and the early Church, showing how Christian mission transcends gender boundaries.

St. Catherine of Alexandria embodies a model of Christian mission that is at once intellectual, courageous and deeply rooted in faith. Her story invites us to reflect on how we can use our gifts and talents in the service of the Gospel and to recognize the value of dialogue, witness and martyrdom in our missionary call.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Catherine of Alexandria, one of the most revered saints in the Christian tradition, offers a unique and powerful interpretation of mercy through her story of faith, wisdom and courage. Although her life is shrouded in legend, the central message of her story remains a powerful witness to Christian mercy.

St. Catherine’s mercy is manifested primarily in her passion for truth and her dedication to defend the Christian faith. According to tradition, Catherine, endowed with extraordinary intelligence and culture, challenged the philosophers of the time to defend the Christian faith. This defense was not only an act of apologetics, but also an expression of deep mercy: she sought to open the eyes of her interlocutors to the truth of the Gospel, showing them the way to salvation.

Moreover, Catherine’s mercy emerged in her concern for her people and her refusal to abandon her faith, despite threats and persecution. Her determination to remain faithful to Christ, even in the face of death, is a clear sign of her compassion for the souls of others and her willingness to suffer for the greater good of truth and justice.

St. Catherine’s martyrdom is perhaps the highest expression of her mercy. By offering her life rather than renouncing her faith, she demonstrated a love and compassion that transcended her own safety and well-being. Her sacrifice is a supreme act of mercy in that it witnesses to the truth of Christ in a way that continues to inspire the faithful throughout the world.

The life of St. Catherine of Alexandria teaches us that mercy goes beyond the act of providing physical or emotional assistance; it also includes defending the truth and bearing witness to the faith, even in the face of the greatest difficulties. Her story is a reminder that we are called to show mercy not only through our actions, but also through our commitment to truth, justice and fidelity to the principles of the Gospel.


Born of royal lineage, she was endowed by nature with such rare wit and beauty that she was esteemed the most fortunate young woman in the city. Instructed in all sciences, but especially in philosophy by the most celebrated rhetoricians, she knew how to raise her intellect above material things, and from creatures to ascend to the Creator. Therefore, as soon as she heard of the religion of Christ, her keen intellect aided by God’s grace understood that it was the true doctrine, and…


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