Saint of the Day November 23: St. Clement I Roman

St. Clement I Roman: the third pope


St. Clement I Roman


Pope and martyr


1st century, Rome


1st century, Cherson


23 November


2004 edition


O God, who through prayer and the glorious lives of your saints, and especially of St. Clement I Roman, called our fathers to the admirable light of the Gospel, grant that we too may live in the commitment to a new evangelization of this third Christian millennium and, overcoming the snares of the evil one, grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Patron saint of

Velletri, Valdagno, Trecate, Magione, Pellezzano, Bellinzago Novarese, Pelago, Povoletto, Canino, San Clemente

Roman Martyrology

St. Clement I, pope and martyr, who ruled the Church of Rome third after St. Peter the Apostle and wrote a famous Letter to the Corinthians to restore peace and concord among them. The deposition of his body in Rome is commemorated on this day.


The Saint and Mission

St. Clement I Roman, one of the first popes of the Catholic Church, represents a significant example of how Christian mission can be lived out through service, leadership and perseverance in the faith. Living in the first century, at a time when the Church was still in its nascent stage, his leadership played a crucial role in facing challenges and guiding the Christian community through times of uncertainty and persecution.

St. Clement’s mission was strongly rooted in his dedication to establishing and maintaining unity in the Church. At a time marked by various theological controversies and internal divisions, Clement dedicated himself to promoting communion and concord among Christians. His approach to conflict resolution and mediation between different factions demonstrates a deep understanding of the Christian mission as a commitment to building and preserving the community of faith.

His best-known contribution, the “First Letter to the Corinthians,” is a clear example of his ability to combine doctrine and pastoral leadership. In this letter, he addresses the tensions and disagreements within the community of Corinth with wisdom and clarity, offering teachings that are still relevant to the church today. His writing reflects a balance between firmness in principle and lovingness in tone, a model for evangelical communication.

Moreover, St. Clement’s life reminds us of the importance of martyrdom in Christian mission. His martyrdom, though shrouded in the mystery of ancient history, is a testimony to his faithfulness to Christ to the end. This supreme sacrifice is a powerful demonstration of his total devotion to the Gospel and his willingness to witness to the faith despite the gravest consequences.

St. Clement I Roman embodies a model of mission that is at once pastoral, theological and courageous. His life inspires us to recognize the importance of unity, fidelity and perseverance in our Christian walk, and challenges us to be witnesses to the Gospel with the same passion and dedication that he showed in his service to the early Church.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Clement I Roman, the third successor of St. Peter as bishop of Rome and one of the early Church Fathers, offers a unique perspective on Christian mercy through his ministry and teachings. His era, marked by challenges and persecution, required an approach that combined fidelity to doctrine with deep compassion for the community of the faithful.

St. Clement’s mercy manifested itself in multiple ways. As pope, he exercised his authority with a sense of responsibility and pastoral care. In his famous “Letter to the Corinthians,” Clement addressed issues of discord and division within the Christian community, offering guidance that was both firm and gentle. His ability to maintain unity and peace in the church during such a turbulent time reflected his deep commitment to mercy as a fundamental aspect of Christian leadership.

Moreover, Clement’s life was also marked by mercy in the way he faced persecution and martyrdom. Tradition tells us that Clement faced death with great courage and serenity, thus testifying to his unconditional faith in Christ and his love for the Church. This supreme act of sacrifice is a clear sign of his deep compassion for his flock and his dedication to the cause of the Gospel.

St. Clement teaches us that mercy is not just an emotion or a feeling, but an active principle that guides all the actions of a Christian leader. His life shows that true mercy involves a willingness to lead, to correct, and even to suffer for the sake of others. His legacy inspires us to live our faith with a balance of truth and love, justice and compassion, reminding us that mercy is at the heart of the Christian message and the Church’s mission in the world.


He was born about the year 30 of the Vulgar Era in Rome to parents of Palestinian descent. He spent his youth in the most faithful observance of his father’s religion; but when the Apostle Peter came to this city to bring the word of the Gospel, he was among his first disciples and soon distinguished himself among them all for fidelity and integrity of morals. Later the Apostle consecrated him a priest to be his companion in the sacred ministry.

After the death of the Prince of the Apostles, the Christians wanted to raise him immediately to the papal dignity, but he esteemed himself unworthy and…


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