Saint of the Day November 22: St. Cecilia

St. Cecilia: the patron saint of music


St. Cecilia


Virgin and martyr


2nd century, Rome


November 22, 230, Rome


22 November


2004 edition




O Virgin and Martyr St. Cecilia armed with the sword of God’s word and the impenetrable shield of the truths of Faith, which you always read and meditated on in the Holy Gospel, you triumphed over all the flatteries of the flesh and of the world, over threats and torments to the point of sacrificing your life for Jesus’ sake. Deh! impart also to us that, assisted by the mighty grace of Jesus Christ, we may bring back victory of all enemies to our health, that we may come safe to delight in thee among the harmonies of Heaven. So be it.

Patron saint of

Acquasparta, Pradamano, Caresanablot, Escolca

Protector of

Singers, music, musicians

Roman Martyrology

Memory of St. Cecilia, virgin and martyr, who is said to have attained her double palm for the love of Christ in the cemetery of Callisto on the Appian Way. Her name has been in the title of a church in Rome’s Trastevere since ancient times.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Cecilia, venerated as the patron saint of music and musicians, offers a unique and inspiring interpretation of the Christian mission. Although there are few certain historical details of her life, the tradition and worship surrounding her tell us of a woman who lived her faith with deep conviction and used her musical talent as a means to express and spread the Christian message.

St. Cecilia’s mission is often associated with her devotion and her ability to use music as a tool for evangelization. Legend has it that while being forced into a pagan marriage, she sang in her heart to God, remaining faithful to her Christian devotion. This act of faith and her subsequent martyrdom have become a powerful symbol of the endurance and strength of faith in situations of trial and persecution.

St. Cecilia’s life shows us how mission can be lived out through personal witness and the use of personal gifts and talents. Cecilia not only spoke of her faith but also lived it out authentically and convincingly, becoming an example to those around her. Her ability to remain true to her values and beliefs, even in the face of great obstacles, underscores the power of Christian witness lived with integrity and love.

Moreover, St. Cecilia’s role as the patroness of music underscores the value of beauty and art as means of communicating the truth and beauty of the Christian faith. Cecilia reminds us that music and the arts can be powerful ways to touch hearts and minds, elevating the soul to the divine and offering a unique form of witness and evangelization.

St. Cecilia’s life is an invitation to consider how we can use our talents and passions to serve God and spread his message of love and hope. She reminds us that Christian mission is not limited to words and formal acts of evangelization, but extends to all forms of creative expression and personal witness. Through the example of St. Cecilia, we are called to explore innovative and inspired ways to live and share our faith in the contemporary world.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music and one of the most revered martyrs of the early Church, uniquely embodies the essence of Christian mercy. Her story, enriched by centuries of devotion and tradition, tells of a woman who lived her faith with an intensity and compassion that transcends time.

Mercy in St. Cecilia was manifested through her tireless commitment to the faith, even in the face of severe persecution. Tradition has it that Cecilia converted her husband and brother to Christianity and assisted them in their spiritual growth, showing deep compassion for their spiritual well-being. This active interest in the salvation of others is a shining example of how mercy can extend beyond mere physical assistance, touching the deepest dimensions of the soul.

Moreover, Cecilia’s mercy was reflected in her endurance and strength in the face of martyrdom. Despite harsh persecution and the threat of death, she maintained a steadfast fidelity to her faith, thus testifying to a love and compassion that went beyond her own personal well-being. Her martyrdom is a supreme act of mercy, as she offered herself as a witness to the truth and love of Christ, despite the extreme personal cost.

St. Cecilia’s connection with music adds another dimension to her witness of mercy. Music, in its role as a means of expressing divine love and beauty, can be seen as an act of spiritual mercy, touching and uplifting the soul. Cecilia, through her connection with music, teaches us that mercy can be expressed in many forms, including those that nourish and enrich the spirit.

St. Cecilia’s life invites us to see mercy as a call to live out our faith in deep and transformative ways, whether through direct actions of care and compassion or through witnessing our love for God, even in the most difficult circumstances. His legacy is a reminder that mercy is at the heart of the Christian gospel, calling us to be instruments of God’s love in all spheres of life.


Under the empire of Alexander Severus all persecution against Christians had been forbidden, and the Church enjoyed a period of tranquility and peace. But to disturb the meek flock of Christ soon arose the sad prefect of Rome, Almachius. The emperor having been absent from the capital, he took advantage of this to vent his hatred against the Christians by unleashing a terrible persecution against them. Among his most illustrious victims should be mentioned St. Cecilia, a most noble Roman virgin. She was born to a very rich family at the foot of the Janiculum Hill, and…


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