Saint of the Day January 06: Epiphany of the Lord

Epiphany of the Lord: Meaning, Traditions and Reflections on the Revelation of Christ


Epiphany of the Lord


Adoration of the Three Kings


06 January



O most perfect worshippers of the newborn Messiah, holy Magi, true models of Christian courage, who nothing dismayed you of the burdensome journey and who promptly at the sign of the star followed the divine aspirations, obtain for us all the grace that in your imitation we may always go to Jesus Christ and adore him with living faith when we enter his house, and let us continually offer him the gold of charity, the frankincense of prayer, the myrrh of penance, and let us never decline from the path of holiness, which Jesus taught us so well by his own example, even before his own lessons; and grant, O Holy Magi, that we may merit from the Divine Redeemer His elect blessings here on earth and the possession then of eternal glory. So be it.

Roman Martyrology

Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, on which we venerate the threefold manifestation of the great God and our Lord Jesus Christ: in Bethlehem, the infant Jesus was adored by the magi; in the Jordan, baptized by John, he was anointed by the Holy Spirit and called Son by God the Father; in Cana of Galilee, at the wedding feast, changing water into new wine, he manifested his glory.

The Saint and Mission

The Epiphany of the Lord, commemorating the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus, is a significant moment in the Christian church that illuminates the universal nature of Jesus’ mission. This feast not only celebrates the manifestation of Jesus as the Messiah to all nations, but also emphasizes the invitation extended to each of us to actively participate in spreading his message of salvation and love.

The mission that emerges from Epiphany is first and foremost one of inclusion and universality. The Magi, coming from distant lands and representing different cultures and traditions, are among the first to recognize and worship Jesus. This event reveals that the salvation offered by Christ is for everyone, regardless of origin, culture or history. Epiphany, therefore, calls us to a mission that crosses borders and welcomes all into the family of God.

In addition, Epiphany emphasizes the mission to be bearers of light in a world often shrouded in darkness. Just as the star guided the Magi to Jesus, Christians are called to reflect the light of Christ in their lives, becoming guides who lead others to recognize and welcome his saving presence. This mission of bearing witness to the light requires courage, perseverance and an unwavering commitment to live according to the Gospel.

The feast of Epiphany also reminds us of the importance of seeking and listening in our Christian mission. Just as the Magi sought the promised king and listened to the divine message to find the way forward, so too are we invited to actively seek God in our lives and listen to his word. Our mission includes an aspect of continual discovery and openness to the Spirit’s guidance, allowing our understanding and relationship with God to grow deeper and deeper.

The Epiphany of the Lord highlights Christian mission as a journey of inclusion, witnessing and seeking. It challenges us to see beyond our boundaries and prejudices, to become bearers of Christ’s light in a world that desperately needs hope and love, and to engage in a constant journey of growth and listening. The feast of Epiphany is a reminder that Jesus’ mission is our mission, and that each day offers us new opportunities to live and share his saving message.

The Saint and Mercy

The Epiphany of the Lord, which celebrates the manifestation of Jesus as the Messiah and Savior of the world to the Magi, is intrinsically linked to the concept of divine mercy. This feast, which recalls the Magi’s adoration of the infant Jesus, represents not only the revelation of Christ to the nations, but also the opening of God’s mercy to all humanity, across ethnic and religious boundaries.

Mercy in Epiphany is manifested in the very nature of the event it celebrates. The Magi, who were non-Jewish sages, are among the first to recognize and worship Jesus as the King of the Jews. This inclusion of the Magi reveals God’s willingness to extend his salvation and mercy to all the peoples of the earth, not limiting it to a specific group. Epiphany, therefore, celebrates a divine mercy that is universal, inviting every person, from every nation and culture, to participate in the promise of salvation and redemption.

Moreover, Epiphany reminds us of Jesus’ mission to bring light into a world of darkness. The star guiding the Magi to Bethlehem symbolizes the light of Christ illuminating all darkness, bringing hope and new life. This light is a manifestation of God’s mercy, which does not abandon humanity in its difficulties and confusion, but offers a path to truth, peace and genuine happiness.

Epiphany is also a time to reflect on the human response to divine mercy. The Magi, responding to the star’s revelation, embark on a long journey to seek the promised king and offer him their gifts. Their search and worship are models of how we too are called to seek God and respond to his mercy with faith, worship and the offering of our lives.

The Epiphany of the Lord is a celebration of God’s mercy that extends to all humanity. It invites us to contemplate the vastness of God’s love and compassion, to recognize the light of Christ that illuminates our path, and to respond with joy and gratitude to the call to participate in his life and mission. Epiphany reminds us that God’s mercy is always present, inviting us to continual seeking and worshiping the Lord in every aspect of our lives.


“Tribus miraculis ornatum, diem sanctum colimus: Hodie stella magos duxit ad praesepium: Hodie vinum ex aqua factum est ad nuptias: Hodie in Jordane a Joanne Christus baptizari voluit, ut salvaret nos, alleluia.”

Epiphany means manifestation. The Holy Church instituted this feast to commemorate the threefold manifestation of Jesus: as God, by being adored by the Magi; as a man, by receiving Baptism from St. John; and as a miracle worker, by changing, at the wedding in Cana, water into wine.

Today, however, the liturgy recalls in a very special way the first manifestation of Jesus as God, with the adoration of the Magi.

Already the prophet Isaiah had said, “Arise, receive your light, O Jerusalem, for your light has come, and…


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