Saint of the Day for 9 March: St. Frances Roman

Saint Frances Roman: Patroness of Rome, Visionary and Foundress of the Order of Oblates


St. Frances Roman



Baptismal name

Francesca Bussa de’ Leoni


1384, Rome


March 9, 1440, Rome


9 marzo


2004 edition


May 29, 1608, Rome, Pope Paul V


O God, who deigned You to bestow on Blessed Frances the singular grace of being familiarly assisted by an Angel, grant us that through her intercession we may be defended by the protection of the Holy Angels, happily arrive at our longed-for goal, return safe and sound to our domestic hearth, and, guarded from all danger on the way, rejoice in their eternal society in heaven. Amen

Patron of

Rome, Spinea


Of the drivers, motorists, of the Benedictine Oblates.

Relics place

Basilica of St. Frances Roman

Roman Martyrology

St. Frances, a religious, who, married at a young age and lived for forty years in wedlock, was a wife and mother of reflected virtue, admirable for piety, humility and patience. In times of difficulty, she distributed her goods to the poor, served the sick and, when her husband died, retired among the oblates she herself had gathered in Rome under the rule of St. Benedict.



The Saint and Mission

Saint Frances Roman, who lived in Rome in the 15th century, is an extraordinary example of how faith and love can transform daily life into a profound and impactful mission. Her existence, characterized by profound mystical experiences, an unshakable commitment to the poor and an intense life of prayer, demonstrates that holiness is accessible to all, even to those living in the world, busy with family and social responsibilities. Saint Frances’ mission was rooted in a profound love for Christ and in a total dedication to the service of others, especially those most in need. This dedication was not an additional task for her, but a natural expression of her faith. Francesca saw the face of Christ in every suffering person, and her service to the poor of Rome was a direct extension of her love for God. Her ability to balance family commitments with an intense charitable and spiritual commitment offers a model for life Christian that is both aspirational and attainable. Furthermore, the foundation of the Order of the Oblates of Santa Francesca Romana represented an innovative vision of the role of women in the Church and in society. Francesca understood that consecrated life could take on different forms, suited to the life circumstances of each individual. The Oblates, despite living in the world, were called to a life of prayer, penance and service, according to the rule that she herself had established. This pioneering approach offered women of the time an alternative way to fully live their Christian vocation. The life of Saint Frances Romana is also a powerful reminder of the presence and action of God in daily life. About Her Her mystical visions and extraordinary spiritual experiences did not distract her from her earthly responsibilities, but instead gave her the strength and guidance to face them with greater confidence and dedication. Francesca demonstrates that spiritual life and worldly responsibilities are not in contradiction, but can enrich each other, leading to a deeper union with God. Saint Francesca Romana teaches us that the Christian mission is to live one’s faith with authenticity and love in every aspect of life, both in moments of solitary prayer and in active service to others. Her legacy invites us to rediscover the presence of God in the ordinary circumstances of our lives and to respond generously to her call to love and service. Her life is a testimony to how holiness can be pursued and achieved despite, or perhaps because of, the challenges and responsibilities of living in the world.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Frances Roman, who lived in 15th century Rome, embodies Christian mercy in a unique and profound way, weaving a fascinating narrative of faith, service and compassion into the fabric of her daily life. Her existence, permeated by moments of intense contemplation and concrete actions of helping those in need, reflects a vivid understanding of the merciful heart of God and his desire for such mercy to be manifested in the world through us. Mercy, for Saint Frances, was not an abstract concept but a living reality, expressed through her tireless commitment to those on the margins of society. Her work among the poor of Rome, carried out with dedication and love, was the fruit of a profound empathy towards the pain of others and of an ardent desire to alleviate such suffering with every means at her disposal. About her Her ability to see Christ in every suffering person gave her a perspective that went beyond social and economic barriers, making her service a true act of worship. Furthermore, the foundation of the Order of the Oblates of Saint Frances Romana represents another aspect of her mission of mercy, offering women of the time a new way to fully live their Christian vocation. The establishment of this community, which combined active life in the world with a profound life of prayer, was an act of mercy both towards its sisters who found spiritual fulfillment in this way, and towards the wider community which benefited from their service. The life of Saint Frances is also a reminder that mercy must permeate all dimensions of our existence, including family and social relationships. Her ability to balance family duties with an intense spiritual and charitable commitment demonstrates that mercy is not limited to a specific activity or context, but is a lifestyle that influences every choice and action. Saint Frances Romana teaches us that true mercy requires courage, creativity, and unconditional trust in God’s providence. Her life challenges us to overcome our limited conceptions of what is possible and invites us to become instruments of divine mercy, bringing light and hope in the darkness of the world. The spiritual legacy of Saint Frances Romana reminds us that mercy is the beating heart of the Gospel and the key to an authentic and fruitful Christian life. Her existence is a perpetual invitation to embody mercy in every aspect of our lives, following in the footsteps of Christ with love, humility and joy.

The Oblate Monastery of Santa Francesca Romana

The Oblate Monastery of Santa Francesca Romana, located in the heart of Rome, represents a unique place of spirituality and history, rooted in the vision and charisma of its founder, Santa Francesca Romana. This monastery is not just a religious building or institution, but a living witness to a tradition of prayer, service and community that has spanned centuries, keeping alive the spirit of one of Italy’s most revered saints. The foundation of the monastery by Saint Frances Romana in the 15th century marked the beginning of a new form of consecrated life, which allowed women to dedicate themselves to spiritual life while remaining actively involved in the outside world. This innovative approach reflected Francesca’s deep insight into the Christian call to be “in the world, but not of the world,” offering a model of holiness that was accessible and practicable even for those who were not called to the traditional monastic life. The essence of the Oblate Monastery is deeply linked to the figure of Saint Frances, whose life was an extraordinary example of balance between earthly responsibilities and dedication to God. The monastery continues to be a place where this balance manifests itself in daily life of the nuns, who, following the example of their founder, commit themselves to a life of intense prayer, community work and service to the needy. The presence of the monastery in the urban fabric of Rome is also a tangible sign of the Church’s centuries-old commitment to the city and its inhabitants. Through its prayer and service activities, the monastery contributes to the spiritual life of the capital, offering a place of refuge and peace for those seeking a moment of silence and communion with God in the beating heart of the metropolis. Furthermore, the Oblate Monastery of Santa Francesca Romana is a point of reference for the local community and for pilgrims from all over the world, who are attracted by the history and spirituality of the place. The possibility of visiting the monastery and participating in the prayer life of the community offers a unique experience of contact with the living tradition of the Church and with the legacy of a saint who continues to inspire faithful of all ages. The Oblate Monastery of Santa Francesca Romana is not only the guardian of a rich historical and spiritual heritage, but also a dynamic place of living faith, which perpetuates the mission of Santa Francesca Romana to bear witness to the love of God in the world. Her presence in Rome is a constant reminder that holiness is a universal calling, which can be lived through a life of dedication to others, prayer and service, following the example of Christ.


In 1384 Frances, the saint who knew how in married life to prepare a most shining crown for heaven, was born in Rome of a noble family. While still a tender child she showed great love for virtue and the hidden life: shunning childish amusements, she gave herself with great fervor to piety and mortification…


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