Saint of the Day for 9 July: St. Veronica Giuliani

Saint Veronica Giuliani: Life, Visions and Legacy of the Franciscan Mystic


St. Veronica Giuliani



Baptismal name

Orsola Giuliani


Dec. 27, 1660, Mercatello Sul Metauro


July 9, 1727, Città di Castello


9 July


2004 edition


June 18, 1804, Rome , Pope Pius VII


May 26, 1839, Rome , Pope Gregory XVI



Most loving saint, who, chosen by Jesus to be His beloved bride, emulated, by your love for the Holy Eucharist, the most ardent love of the Seraphim of Heaven, and deserved to see Him again and again in this divine Sacrament in the likeness of a vexatious child; deh! obtain for us from Him the grace to love Him also, in your imitation, with all the affection of our hearts, so that by His love inflamed, we may keep ourselves from guilt, correspond worthily to this heavenly gift, and deserve to see Him one day together with you unveiled in the blessed home of Paradise. So be it.

Patroness of

Mercatello sul Metauro

Roman Martyrology

At Città di Castello, in Umbria, Saint Veronica Giuliani Virgin, a native of Mercatello, a land in the diocese of Urbania, a nun of the Second Order of Saint Francis and Abbess of the monastery of Città di Castello: illustrious for her intense desire to suffer, and for her other heavenly virtues and graces, she was enrolled in the number of holy virgins by Pope Gregory the tenth.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Veronica Giuliani, one of the most fascinating figures of Christian mysticism, lived a life dedicated to a profound union with God and the mission of expanding the knowledge and love of Christ. Having entered the monastery of the Capuchin Poor Clares at just 17 years old, she dedicated her existence to prayer, penance and charity. Veronica was particularly known for her mystical visions and stigmata, signs of her intense participation in the passion of Christ. These experiences not only strengthened her faith, but also became tools to inspire and guide her sisters and those who learned about her life. Her mission was, first and foremost, an interior mission, aimed at living in perfect conformity with divine will and being a channel of grace for others. As abbess of the monastery, Veronica guided her sisters with wisdom and love, exhorting them to a life of authentic holiness and humble service. Her leadership was marked by mercy and understanding, always seeking to lift souls towards God with patience and dedication. Her life of deep prayer, combined with rigorous personal discipline, made her a shining example of how contemplation can flower into concrete actions of love and service. Veronica Giuliani was also a prolific spiritual writer, leaving behind a rich legacy of mystical writings that continue to inspire and guide the faithful. Her diaries and her letters offer a window into her soul and her spiritual journey, offering valuable insights for anyone seeking to deepen their life of faith. The mission of Saint Veronica Giuliani continues to live on in the testimony of her life, in her writings and in the inspiration she offers to those who wish to live a life of intense union with God. Her existence reminds us that true holiness is attainable through a total dedication to Christ, manifested in prayer, sacrifice and love for others.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Veronica Giuliani is a shining example of mercy lived through a life of profound union with God and service to others. Her mystical experience, characterized by her stigmata and visions, was intrinsically linked to a deep and compassionate love for others. Veronica saw in her sufferings a way to participate in the pains of Christ and offer everything for the salvation of souls. As abbess, Veronica showed mercy through her loving and patient guidance. She was concerned about the spiritual and physical well-being of her sisters, offering advice, comfort and prayer. Her ability to listen and understand the difficulties of others reflected a genuine compassion, rooted in her intimate relationship with God. Her mercy also extended to the faithful who sought her intercession and spiritual guidance. Veronica dedicated many hours to praying for needy souls and for the conversion of sinners, showing a heart always open to the suffering of the world. Her writings reveal a deep empathy and a relentless desire to alleviate the suffering of others through prayer and personal sacrifice. The life of Saint Veronica Giuliani teaches us that mercy is a gift that is nourished through prayer and union with God. Her existence, marked by unconditional love and total dedication to the service of others, continues to inspire everyone try to live a life of compassion and Christian love. Her spiritual legacy is an invitation to see and respond to the needs of others with the heart of Christ.


She was born in Mercatello (Marche) in 1660, and at her baptism was given the name Orsola. As a young girl, she was placed by her dying mother under the protection of the Savior, and she immediately conceived a great devotion, which was the source of many graces for her. She always desired to suffer something for Jesus; she gave herself to the acquisition of the virtues of humility and…


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