Saint of the Day for 8 October: Saint Pelagia of Antioch

St Pelagia of Antioch: the sinner who became a saint


Saint Pelagia of Antioch




3rd century, Antioch of Syria, Turkey


3rd Century, Jerusalem, Israel


08 October


2004 edition


As we celebrate the memory of St Pelagia, we pray to you, O Lord, to grant us too a sincere spirit of penance, so that we may obtain forgiveness for our sins. Amen.

Roman Martyrology

At Antioch in Syria, Saint Pelagia, virgin and martyr, whom St John Chrysostom extolled with great praise.


The Saint and Mission

The story of St Pelagia of Antioch unfolds through a profound and mysterious journey of redemption and conversion, offering remarkable insights into how mission can sprout from even the seemingly least fertile soil. The story of her life unfolds between the folds of sin and grace, symbolising the passage from a life devoted to worldly pleasures to one immersed in service and divine love. Pelagia, with her tumultuous past and her being a woman of her time, becomes an emblematic figure of how the call to mission knows no barriers, limits, or prejudices. Where the world saw the sinner, God recognised the missionary, allowing her heart to be transformed by the fire of his unquenchable love. Her conversion is not only a testimony to divine mercy, but becomes a mission in itself, embodying the living message of how every soul can be touched and regenerated by the Lord’s grace. St Pelagia’s mystical experience reveals a surprisingly missionary path, in which her experience, marked by deep scars, was not concealed or denied, but became a vehicle of heralded redemption. Her life thus becomes an apologetic mission, through which her very existence bears witness to the saving power of God’s Love. The woman, who was once a slave to earthly pleasures, becomes a messenger of a new and definitive freedom, which flows from death to self and life in Christ. In Pelagia, mission is not separate from her story, but her story itself is mission. Her every step, her every choice, becomes a vibrant proclamation of the Gospel, not through words, but through existence itself, through a life that, touched by Grace, cannot help but become light for others. His hermitic flight from the world, far from being an escape from responsibility and mission, is rather configured as the search for an authentic space of encounter with God, from which he can draw the strength for a mission that knows no boundaries, since it is lived in the eternal horizon of divine love. In it, the Gospel message becomes flesh, history, lived life and, for this reason, can speak to the hearts of men and women of every time and place, showing that there are no desperate or irredeemable situations, but only hearts waiting to be touched by the light of the Gospel. Saint Pelagia’s missionary spirit reminds us that proclamation and witness are not two separate realities, but two sides of the same coin, in which life itself, touched by grace, becomes a powerful instrument of evangelisation, capable of reaching the innermost corners of the human soul.

The Saint and Mercy

St Pelagia of Antioch, with her story of a redeemed sinner and fervent ascetic, stands as a shining example of how divine mercy can profoundly transform a soul. Her life, characterised by radical change and remarkable conversion, is imbued with profound reflections on God’s infinite mercy, clearly showing that there is no limit to the Lord’s love and forgiveness. Pelagia, once an actress and dancer, led a life immersed in the pleasures of the world and far from Christian principles, until she crossed the path of faith and, touched by grace, drastically changed her existential path. Her story merges with the texture of a mercy that welcomes, that sets no barriers and that opens unimaginable horizons of holiness even where it seems that light can no longer penetrate. The story of St. Pelagia teaches us that the human heart, even the one most impregnated with wrong choices and far from virtue, can be fertile ground where divine mercy sprouts seeds of holiness. Her conversion was not just a return to the Lord, but a true immersion in the ocean of his mercy, letting every trace of the past be washed away by God’s love. Pelagia’s life is a powerful message that speaks of renewal, of second chances and of God’s ability to see beyond our downfalls, focusing on the potential each of us has to shine his light. Saint Pelagia made humility and repentance the soil from which to give birth to a new existence, consecrated to the Lord and to the service of the least. In this journey of absolution and new birth, Pelagia became the bearer of the mercy she had experienced, living the Gospel authentically and becoming a tangible sign of how God can make all things new. Mercy, therefore, did not remain an isolated event, a uniquely personal experience, but became a mission, a love that, having transformed her, necessarily had to be proclaimed and lived out in relationship with others. In Pelagia, mercy and missionary spirit merge into a single path of faith, showing how the discovery of God’s love is an inexhaustible source of a new evangelising impulse. Her example, even today, challenges our experience of faith, inviting us to let ourselves be touched and transformed by mercy in order to become ourselves instruments through which God can touch and transform the hearts of others.


S. Brunon was born of a noble family around the year 1035 in the city of Cologne. He attended school at the church of St Kunnibert, making rapid progress in science and piety, so much so that St Annon, bishop of the city, elected him canon of his church. He then finished his studies in Rheims, where he had a reputation as an excellent poet, most excellent philosopher and…


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