Saint of the Day for 7 March: Saints Perpetua and Felicita

Saints Perpetua and Felicita: Story of Courage and Faith of the Christian Martyrs of the 3rd Century


Saints Perpetua and Felicita




7 March


2004 edition



O God, who sustained the holy martyrs Perpetua and Felicita with the invincible strength of your charity and made them fearless in the face of persecutors, grant us also, through their intercession, to persevere in faith and grow in your love. Amen

Patron of



of pregnant women, mothers

Roman Martyrology

In Carthage the birth of the saints Perpetua and Felicita Martyrs: of them, Felicita, being pregnant (as St. Augustine relates) and expecting, according to the laws, to give birth, in the pains of childbirth complained, but thrown to the beasts she was glad. With them also suffered martyrdom Satyrus, Saturninus, Revocato and Secondolus, the last of whom died in prison, and all the others were mistreated by various beasts, and finally killed by the sword under Prince Severus. But the feast of Saints Perpetua and Felicita is celebrated on the previous day.



The Saint and Mission

Saints Perpetua and Felicita, third-century Christian martyrs, offer a powerful and moving exemplification of how faith can inspire indomitable resistance and unparalleled courage, even in the face of death. Their story is not only a tale of martyrdom, but also a profound reflection on the Christian mission, lived through the supreme act of testimony: the sacrifice of one’s life for the love of one’s faith. These two women, coming from different social strata, united in their faith in Christ, faced persecution together, demonstrating that the strength of the Christian community transcends divisions of class, race or any other human nature. Their mission, although it may seem to have ended with their martyrdom, actually had a lasting impact, inspiring countless Christians in the centuries to come with their example of unshakable faith and invincible love. The testimony of Perpetua and Felicita, particularly through Perpetua’s diary, offers us a unique window into the lived experience of Christian martyrdom in the early communities. Through their words and actions, these saints conveyed a powerful message about the nature of Christian mission: a call to live one’s faith with such integrity and courage that, even in the face of death, one can remain steadfast. Their story also highlights the crucial role of women in the early Church, reminding us that the testimony of the Gospel knows no gender barriers. The Christian mission, as demonstrated by Perpetua and Felicita, is universal in its scope and radical in its demand for fidelity to Christ, a fidelity that these women lived in an exemplary way. Furthermore, the relationship between Perpetua, a young mother, and Felicita, a pregnant slave, reinforces the idea that the Christian mission is achieved through authentic and supportive relationships, where mutual support and fraternal love become powerful witnesses of the Gospel. Their joint martyrdom, which occurred in an arena before the eyes of a crowd demanding their blood, was not a moment of desperation but of triumph, a final and definitive testimony to their indestructible faith. Saints Perpetua and Felicita remain emblematic figures of the spiritual resistance and courage that define the Christian mission. Their spiritual legacy continues to inspire and challenge believers of every age to live their faith with the same intensity and dedication, reminding us that true martyrdom is, ultimately, an act of love: the love for Christ that surpasses all another earthly bond.

The Saint and Mercy

Saints Perpetua and Felicita, through their martyrdom in the third century, profoundly embody Christian mercy, not only as recipients of divine mercy but also as witnesses of a mercy that goes beyond the confines of earthly life. Their story, enriched by Perpetua’s personal narrative, offers a moving testimony of how faith can transform the most atrocious pain into a supreme act of love and trust in God. Mercy initially manifests itself in their courage to face persecution, not with hatred or a desire for revenge, but with a love that forgives and understands. In this, Perpetua and Felicita reflect the essence of Christian mercy: loving despite everything, even in the face of death. Their serene acceptance of martyrdom is a powerful example of how God’s mercy can sustain the soul in moments of extreme trial, bestowing peace and even joy in the midst of suffering. The relationship between Perpetua, a noblewoman, and Felicita, a slave, further highlights the inclusive and transformative nature of Christian mercy. Despite differences in social class and status, both share a spiritual bond that transcends these barriers, showing that in the Christian community, mercy creates a family of believers united by a common faith in Christ. Their mutual solidarity, especially in the face of death, testifies to a mercy that recognizes and honors the intrinsic dignity of every person, regardless of their social condition. Furthermore, the story of Perpetua and Felicita highlights mercy as a force that inspires and renews. Their martyrdom is not only an act of personal loyalty to God, but also serves as a source of inspiration for other Christians, encouraging them to remain steadfast in their faith. Their ability to face martyrdom with dignity and hope is a gift of mercy to the Church, strengthening the faith of the community and offering a shining example of how to face one’s crosses with grace. Saints Perpetua and Felicita uniquely embody mercy, demonstrating that even in the darkest moments, the light of God’s mercy can shine through faith and sacrifice. Their story is a reminder that mercy has the power to transform pain into victory, terror into testimony, and that, through the example of their faithfulness, we are all called to live a life of profound mercy, rooted in love of Christ.


These two names introduce us to two glorious Christian heroines who, in order to profess the faith, endured prolonged and atrocious martyrdom. Perpetua was born in Carthage of noble lineage about the end of the second century. In 203, a young bride of twenty-two and…


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