Saint of the Day for 7 February: St. Richard

St. Richard: Life, Legacy and Meaning of the Patron Saint of Families


St. Richard


King of the British


7th century, Wessex


722, Lucca


7 February


2004 edition



O God, who gave your people St. Richard the King, by his help make us strong and persevering in the faith, to cooperate assiduously in the unity of the Church. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who is God, and lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen

Roman Martyrology

In Lucca, deposition of St. Richard, father of Saints Villibald and Valburg, who on pilgrimage with his sons from England to Rome died on the way.

The Saint and Mission

St. Richard, a lesser-known figure in the Catholic Church’s vast gallery of saints, nevertheless offers a shining and inspiring example of how Christian mission can be lived out through daily life and community service. Although the details of his life may vary depending on the sources, the core of his story remains a powerful witness of faith, dedication and selfless service. St. Richard’s mission was deeply rooted in his commitment to family and community. He did not seek martyrdom or perform striking miracles, like other better-known saints, but his holiness stemmed from his steadfast fidelity to daily duties, loving care for his loved ones, and his dedication to the welfare of his fellow citizens. This aspect of his life underscores that the Christian mission is not only carried out on grand stages or in spectacular acts of sacrifice, but also in quiet and constant service to others. St. Richard shows that holiness can be pursued and achieved through everyday life, through patience, perseverance and love in responding to life’s ordinary callings. His existence was a living expression of the Christian teaching that sees in one’s neighbor the face of Christ and considers service to others as service to God himself. Moreover, his ability to keep the faith and promote Christian values, even in the face of difficulties, offers a model of integrity and moral strength. His life is a reminder that true Christian mission requires consistency and authenticity, living one’s values in every aspect of one’s life and not just in words or isolated moments of devotion. St. Richard reminds us that everyone is called to holiness and that the Christian mission is accessible to anyone, regardless of one’s station in life. His legacy inspires the faithful to seek God in everyday realities and to serve Him through loving and dedicated service to others, highlighting that every moment of life can be an opportunity to live and witness to faith.

The Saint and Mercy

The figure of St. Richard, although he may not be among the most famous in the vast array of saints, offers profound food for thought on the theme of mercy. Through his life, we can glimpse how mercy, understood as compassionate love and concrete action on behalf of others, was a central pillar of his actions and ministry. St. Richard, in the narratives outlining his life and works, emerges as a man of deep faith and great heart, whose existence was a living reflection of the Christian values of love, service and sacrifice. The mercy he embodied was not confined to isolated gestures or exceptional moments; rather, it was woven into the daily fabric of his life, manifesting itself in his every act of care and support for those in distress or suffering. His ability to listen, console and assist those in need, without seeking recognition or reward, testifies to a deep understanding of mercy as a Christian vocation. St. Richard teaches us that being merciful means seeing Christ in every person we encounter, especially in the most vulnerable, and acting accordingly, generously and without reservation. Moreover, St. Richard’s mercy extended beyond material assistance, touching people’s hearts and spirits. He knew that true healing, the kind that regenerates and transforms, occurs when we heal not only the wounds of the body but also those of the soul. His life was a clear example of how mercy can be a powerful channel of grace, bringing hope, reconciliation and spiritual renewal. St. Richard reminds us that mercy is one of the greatest gifts we can offer the world. His legacy is an invitation to live mercy authentically and daily, making compassion, love and service the hallmarks of our existence. In a world often marked by indifference and sorrow, St. Richard’s example inspires us to be instruments of divine mercy, bringing light and hope into the darkness.


Today’s saint was not really a king and his real name is also unknown. Name and title are derived from the story told in Eichstätt in Bavaria in the 10th century and in Lucca in the 12th century because of the fame of his holy sons Villibaldo (Jun. 7), Vunibaldo (Dec. 18) and Valburga (Feb. 25). The family came from Wessex, and it is known that the father and two sons left in 720 for a pilgrimage to Rome. Sailing on the Hamble River (near Southampton), they crossed the English Channel and then sailed up the Seine, finally landing in Rouen. After visiting numerous shrines in France they headed to Italy, but their father died in Lucca before they could reach Rome. Villibaldo then joined St. Boniface (5 Jun.) in the work of evangelization of Germany, founded the double monastery of Heidenheim and…


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