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Saint of the Day for 6 June: St. Norbert

St. Norbert: Life, Miracles and Foundation of the Order of Premonstratensians


St. Norbert




c. 1085, Xanten, Germany


June 6, 1134, Magdebùrgo


6 June


2004 edition


1582, Rome, Pope Gregory XIII

Roman Martyrology

In Magdeburg Saint Norbert, Bishop of that city and Confessor, Founder of the Premonstratensian Order.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Norbert, who lived between the 11th and 12th centuries, is a shining example of conversion and total dedication to the Christian mission. Originally a secular canon, Norbert underwent a radical spiritual transformation after a dramatic conversion experience. This experience led him to renounce his privileges and dedicate himself completely to God. Norbert’s mission manifested itself in the founding of the Order of the Premonstratensians, also known as Norbertines, which focused on community life, prayer, and pastoral service. His vision was that of an order that combined monastic life with apostolic activity, uniting contemplation and action in a harmonious balance. Norbert traveled tirelessly throughout Europe, preaching the Gospel and reforming the clergy. His preaching was characterized by a fervor that inspired and converted many. He was determined to bring discipline and spirituality back to the Church, addressing corrupt practices and promoting a life of virtue and devotion. Saint Norbert’s mission was also markedly Eucharistic. He promoted devotion to the Eucharist, seeing it as the source of all Christian and apostolic life. This devotion was reflected in the Premonstratensian communities, which became centers of spiritual and pastoral renewal. Saint Norbert, through his life and mission, shows us how a total dedication to God and a tireless commitment to service to others can transform the world. His legacy lives on through the order he founded, which keeps alive his vision of a Church renewed and vibrant in its faith and service to him.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Norbert is a figure who profoundly embodies mercy through his life of conversion, preaching and reform. His personal conversion experience, which took him from a life of comfort and privilege to one of total dedication to God, is a powerful example of how divine mercy can transform a heart and direct it toward the service of others. Norbert, founding the Order of the Premonstratensians, created a community dedicated not only to prayer and contemplation, but also to the active service of the faithful. His mission was characterized by a profound commitment to promoting justice, peace and charity, showing concrete and tangible mercy in daily actions. He confronted the corrupt practices of the clergy firmly, but always with a merciful heart, seeking redemption and reform rather than condemnation. St. Norbert’s preaching was another vehicle of his mercy, as he traveled tirelessly to bring the Gospel and hope to those in need. His passion for the Eucharist reflected his desire to share with everyone the greatest gift of divine mercy: the real presence of Christ. In all of his actions, Norberto demonstrated a profound compassion for the poor, the sick and sinners. His life reminds us that mercy is not just a feeling, but an action that requires dedication, sacrifice and unconditional love. St. Norbert inspires us to live mercy in an active and transformative way, making God’s love visible through our daily actions.

The Congregation of Premonstratensian Canons Regular

The Congregation of Premonstratensian Canons Regular, founded by Saint Norbert in 1120, is a living example of how monastic life can be combined with apostolic commitment. These canons, also known as Norbertines, live in community following the Rule of Saint Augustine, combining prayer and contemplation with active pastoral work. Their daily life is characterized by a balance between the liturgy of the hours, the celebration of the Eucharist and service to the parishes and local communities. The spirituality of the Premonstratensians is strongly Eucharistic, reflecting St. Norbert’s devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. This love for the Eucharist inspires all their activities, instilling a profound sense of sacredness and dedication in their ministry. The Norbertines are known for their hospitality and their commitment to promoting peace and reconciliation, welcoming anyone seeking spiritual comfort or advice. Over the centuries, the congregation has had a significant impact in many parts of the world, founding abbeys and churches that become centers of spiritual and cultural life. Their educational and charitable work has contributed to improving the living conditions of many communities, demonstrating that faith lived authentically can bring positive and lasting changes. The Congregation of Premonstratensian Canons Regular continues to be a living testimony to St. Norbert’s vision: a life dedicated to God that is expressed through loving service and community commitment. Their presence in the world is a constant reminder of the possibility of a life in which contemplation and action are perfectly integrated, offering a model of authentic Christian life rooted in the Eucharistic tradition.


S. Norbert was born in Xanten, a city in France, in 1086 to a distinguished and wealthy family. From his youth he gave himself to his studies with splendid success, so he was well received at the courts of princes and…


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