Saint of the Day for 6 July: St. Mary Goretti

Saint Mary Goretti: Life, Martyrdom and Legacy of the Saint of Purity


St. Mary Goretti


Virgin and martyr

Baptismal name

Maria Teresa Goretti


Oct. 16, 1890, Corinaldo


July 5, 1902, Neptune


6 July


2004 edition


June 24, 1950, Rome , Pope Pius XII



O St. Maria Goretti, who comforted by divine grace, at only 12 years of age, you did not doubt to shed blood and sacrifice your very life in defense of your virginal purity, deh! turn your gaze to the wretched humanity so diverted from the path of eternal health. Teach everyone, but especially the youth, with what courage and with what readiness one should sacrifice everything for love of Jesus, rather than offend Him and stain one’s soul with sin. Obtain for us then from the Lord victory in temptations, comfort in the sorrows of the present life , and the grace which here prostrate we ask of thee (grace asked), and may we one day enjoy near thee the imperishable glories of heaven. Amen.

Patroness of




Official website

Roman Martyrology

St. Maria Goretti, virgin and martyr, who spent a difficult childhood helping her mother with household chores; assiduous in prayer, at the age of 12, in order to defend her chastity from an assailant, she was stabbed to death near Nettuno in Latium.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Maria Goretti is an extraordinary figure in the history of the Catholic Church, known for her courage and purity. Born in 1890 in Italy, Maria lived a simple and devout life. Growing up in a poor family, from a young age she demonstrated a profound faith and an extraordinary dedication to prayer and the sacraments. Her short life was marked by a dramatic episode that made her an icon of holiness and purity. At the age of eleven, Maria was attacked by Alessandro Serenelli, a young man from her village. Despite the violence of the attack, Maria resisted with all her strength, declaring that she would rather die than give in to sin. Severely injured, she survived long enough to forgive her attacker on his deathbed, demonstrating extraordinary mercy. Her last words were an invitation to forgiveness and redemption. Saint Maria Goretti’s mission, even after her death, was to inspire and guide the faithful towards a life of purity and forgiveness. Her canonization in 1950 attracted the attention of millions of faithful, who saw in her an example of how divine grace can work through personal sacrifice and forgiveness. Maria Goretti became a symbol of resistance against sin and of a purity that transcends terrible circumstances. Her story continues to touch hearts and inspire faith, showing that even in the most difficult situations it is possible to choose virtue and forgiveness. Saint Maria Goretti is a beacon of hope and a model of holiness for all ages, inviting every person to live with faith, courage and unconditional love. Her mission to promote purity and forgiveness remains relevant, offering a powerful testimony to the power of good over evil.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Maria Goretti is an extraordinary example of divine mercy manifested through forgiveness and love. Her life, marked by the tragic attack at just eleven years old, culminates in an act of mercy that transcends human understanding. Despite the pain and suffering inflicted on her, Maria found the strength to forgive her attacker, Alessandro Serenelli, on her deathbed. This forgiveness, offered with a pure heart and unshakable faith, is a powerful testament to her holiness. Maria Goretti shows us that true mercy is not just an act of compassion, but an expression of the deepest Christian love. Her forgiveness was not simply an act of mercy, but a conscious choice to follow the example of Christ, who forgave her persecutors on the cross. This act of mercy had a lasting impact, not only transforming the life of Serenelli, who repented and found redemption, but also inspiring millions of people to live with greater faith and compassion. The story of Maria Goretti invites us to reflect on the power of forgiveness and the ability to love even in the most difficult circumstances. Her mercy not only eases wounds, but brings healing and hope. Saint Maria Goretti reminds us that mercy is a path of transformation, a path that brings us closer to God and invites us to see the divine in others, even in moments of great pain and injustice. Her life is a call to practice mercy with courage and love, following the example of her radical and redemptive forgiveness.


On October 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, the third-born Maria came to cheer the poor, hard-working family of Mr. and Mrs. Goretti with her wails. She had a good and Christian upbringing from exemplary parents. Having become fatherless at an early age, she helped her mother, was a vigilant guardian of her little brothers and sisters, contributed to their Christian education, and applied herself to taking care of most of the household chores so that her mother could devote herself to work to earn her bread. She took everything with resignation and filial abandonment in the Lord. On June 16, 1901, Marietta, with an indescribable joy, approached the Table of the Immaculate Lamb for the first time. At only twelve years old, due to her precocious development, she had become a young girl distinguished by her simplicity and…


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