Saint of the Day for 5 June: St. Boniface

St. Boniface: Life, Mission and Martyrdom of the Apostle of Germany


St. Boniface


Bishop and martyr


680, Crediton, England


June 5, 755, Friesland


5 June


2004 edition


St. Boniface, our friend and protector, you who left everything to serve God and the Church, his dearest and beloved spouse, you who proclaimed the Gospel with words and the gift of your life, even to martyrdom, obtain for us from the Lord all we need to be true Christians in our time. Guide us to put nothing before the love of Christ. Sustain our love for the Church. Accompany the steps of our conversion. Keep the insidious sin away from us and make us courageous in proclaiming the faith. Amen

Patron of

San Bonifacio, Erbusco, Brignano Gera d’Adda, Montelapiano

Roman Martyrology

In Friesland Saint Boniface, Bishop of Mainz and Martyr. This one, from England gone to Rome, by the blessed Pope Gregory the Second was sent to Germany to preach the faith of Christ to those peoples, and, having there subjected to the Christian religion a very great multitude, especially of the Frisians, he deserved to be called Apostle of the Germans; at last in Frisia by the enraged pagans struck with the sword, he accomplished martyrdom together with Eobanus Coepiscopus and some other servants of God.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Boniface, known as the Apostle of Germany, dedicated his life to a mission of evangelization and reform that would leave an indelible mark on the history of Christianity in Europe. Born in England, Boniface felt the call to spread the faith from a young age and, after becoming a monk, he left for the mission in still pagan lands. Boniface faced immense difficulties, including resistance from local populations and the logistical challenges of traveling across vast and often hostile territories. However, his missionary zeal never wavered. With a combination of passionate preaching, wisdom and diplomacy, he succeeded in converting many people to Christianity, laying the foundation for a new era of faith and culture in Germany and the surrounding regions. One of the most emblematic moments of his mission was the felling of the sacred oak dedicated to the god Thor, a courageous act that demonstrated the power of the Christian God and encouraged many conversions. Boniface not only brought Christianity to the Germanic peoples, but also worked to reform the Church, combating corrupt practices and establishing stable ecclesiastical structures. His dedication culminated in his martyrdom while he was engaged in an evangelization mission. Saint Boniface died with dignity and courage, continuing to bear witness to his faith until his last breath. His life is a powerful example of how Christian mission, guided by unyielding faith and tireless commitment, can transform entire cultures and leave a lasting legacy of hope and spiritual renewal.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Boniface, in addition to his extraordinary evangelizing mission, profoundly embodied Christian mercy. His life was marked by authentic compassion and a burning desire to bring the light of the Gospel to those who lived in the darkness of paganism. Boniface’s mercy was manifested not only in his zeal for conversions, but also in the way he cared for the souls he encountered. Boniface showed mercy in his patient and respectful approach towards local cultures. Even when he challenged pagan beliefs, he did so with an open heart and a willingness to dialogue, trying to understand and respect the people he was addressing. His action of cutting down the sacred oak, although an act of defiance, was driven by the hope of freeing people from fear and error, leading them to the truth and peace of Christianity. Furthermore, Boniface worked tirelessly to build a Church that was a refuge of mercy. He founded monasteries and churches, which became centers of charity and assistance for the needy. His reform of the local Church, combating corruption and ignorance, was an act of mercy towards the faithful, ensuring that they could live an authentic spiritual life supported by solid moral guidance. Saint Boniface reminds us that mercy is not just a feeling, but a concrete commitment to improving the spiritual and material lives of others. His legacy of mercy continues to inspire, showing how active faith can bring transformation and hope to communities.


St. Boniface was born in England around the year 680. Educated in the Christian religion, from an early age he showed great love for God and spoke of Him with great gusto. Two missionaries passing through those areas asked for accommodation in his house, and during the stop they talked about God. Little Boniface, taking advantage of the opportunity, asked what he should do to save himself. He listened carefully to what the two fathers said and…


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