Saint of the Day for 31 March: Easter of the Resurrection of the Lord

Easter Resurrection: Celebration of Christ’s Victory over Death


Easter Sunday


The passion of the Lord


31 March


2004 edition



Act of Faith and Adoration. – My Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that You are truly in me with Your Body. Blood, Soul and Divinity, and. humbled in my nothingness. I deeply adore You as my God and Lord.

Act of Hope. – Lord. Polche You have come into my soul. let me never again discard You with sin but remain, always You with grace: I hope so because of Your goodness and mercy.

Act of Charity. Lord, my God. I love You as much as I know and can, and desire to love You more and more: make me love You above all things now and always for all eternity.

Act of Offering. – Lord, for You are given all to me. I give myself all to You: I offer You my heart and soul, I consecrate my whole life to You, and I want to be Yours forever.

Act of Requests. – Lord, give me all the Spiritual and material graces, which you know are useful to my soul, succor my relatives, benefactors. friends, superiors, and liberate you holy souls in purgatory.

Patron of



The Saint and Mission

The Easter of the Resurrection of the Lord marks the culmination of the Christian liturgical calendar, celebrating the fundamental mystery of the Christian faith: the victory of Jesus Christ over death. This glorious day is not only a moment of joy and celebration but also represents a profound reflection on the mission of the Church and of every believer. The Resurrection of Christ reveals to us the heart of our faith: the promise of new life and hope that transcends the boundaries of suffering and death. The Resurrection opens a new dimension of the Christian mission, founded on the living testimony of the love of God manifested in Christ. The disciples, witnesses of the Resurrection, are called to bring the good news to the world that death does not have the last word, that divine love has conquered sin and death. This mission is not limited to an annual celebration, but permeates every aspect of the believer’s life, inviting us to live daily in the light of the Resurrection. Living the mission of the Resurrection means embracing and spreading the hope that comes from faith in the risen Christ. It means announcing to the world that every act of love, every gesture of solidarity and every choice of justice are concrete signs of the living presence of Christ among us. It is a call to bear witness with our lives that transformation and redemption are possible, that peace and reconciliation are not utopias but realities to be built day after day. The Easter of the Resurrection also invites us to reflect on the meaning of our testimony in a world often marked by desperation and cynicism. How can we, as disciples of the Risen One, be bearers of hope and light? The Easter mission calls us to be a community of faith that experiences the joy of the Resurrection in an authentic way, showing through our words and actions that God’s love is a transformative force capable of renewing hearts and societies. The Easter of the Resurrection of the Lord is not just the celebration of a historical event but is the foundation on which our identity and our mission as Christians are built. It reminds us that we are called to be witnesses of new life in Christ, to spread the hope of the Resurrection to every corner of the earth. It is an invitation to rediscover every day the joy and wonder of Easter morning, allowing the light of the Risen One to illuminate our lives and guide our steps on the path of faith.

The Saint and Mercy

The Easter of the Resurrection of the Lord is the epitome of divine mercy, a celebration that invites us to reflect on the depth of God’s love for humanity. This glorious day, which marks the victory of Jesus Christ over death, illuminates the very essence of the Christian faith: the promise of eternal life and redemption for all those who welcome the message of salvation. The Resurrection is not only a triumph over physical death, but is also a manifestation of God’s limitless mercy, which brings hope and renewal amid the challenges and suffering of the world. In the Resurrection, we see the culmination of the mission of Jesus, who, through his sacrifice on the cross, opened the way for our reconciliation with God. Divine mercy is manifested in this supreme act of self-giving, demonstrating that God’s love is stronger than any sin or separation. The Resurrection reminds us that, despite our falls and failures, God always welcomes us with open arms, eager to forgive us and bring us back to Himself. The celebration of the Easter of the Resurrection invites us, therefore, to live mercy in our daily lives, following the example of Christ. We are called to be instruments of God’s mercy, bringing comfort to those who suffer, offering forgiveness to those who have hurt us, and seeking justice and peace in our communities. Experiencing Easter mercy also means having the courage to face our personal crosses, confident in the promise that, even in the darkest moments, God is with us, transforming our pain into joy and our death into resurrection. Furthermore, the Easter of the Lord’s Resurrection challenges us to recognize the presence of divine mercy in all creation. The Resurrection of Christ is an invitation to renew our hope and to look to the future with confidence, knowing that God is at work in the world, renewing all things and guiding us towards the fullness of life. This perspective of hope and renewal motivates us to work for justice, love and solidarity, building a world that reflects the light of the Resurrection. The Easter of the Resurrection of the Lord opens us to a new understanding of mercy as a living and transformative reality. It reminds us that, in the risen Christ, God has conquered sin and death, offering us a new life characterized by joy, peace and love. As a community of believers, we are called to bear witness to this paschal mercy in every aspect of our lives, becoming living signs of the love of God that triumphs over all evil and leads us towards full communion with Him.


On Friday evening, as soon as Jesus had made the spirit a soldier to make sure he was really dead, he passed his heart with a spear. Joseph of Arimathea, a noble decurion, and Nicodemus asked Pilate for the adorable body of Jesus and, obtaining it, wrapped it in a shroud with aromas and…


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