Saint of the Day for 30 January: St. Martina

St. Martina: Life, Legend and Devotion of the Christian Martyr


St. Martina




3rd Century, Rome


228, Rome


30 January


2004 edition



O Lord grant that through the intercession of your saints, and in particular of St. Martina for her faith in the Lord, humanity may return to the practice of the Christian faith for a new evangelization of this third millennium to the praise and glory of your name and the triumph of the Church. Amen.

Roman Martyrology

St. Martina, Virgin and Martyr, whose birth is commemorated on the first of this month.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Martina, venerated as a martyr in the Christian tradition, embodies a mission of faith, courage and resilience in the face of the most extreme adversity. Her story, which unfolds in the context of early Christian persecution, is a vivid example of how spiritual strength can triumph over the harshest trials. St. Martina’s mission is manifested in her unconditional commitment to her faith. As a martyr, her life is a testimony of absolute fidelity to her religious principles, even in the face of threats of death and suffering. This extreme act of personal sacrifice is not only a symbol of endurance, but also a powerful message of hope and encouragement for other believers facing persecution or hardship. More than the actions themselves, it is the meaning behind St. Martina’s martyrdom that is crucial. Her story inspires believers to remain steadfast in their faith and not to compromise their values, even in the darkest moments. Her figure becomes a beacon of light in an age of darkness, a symbol of the ability of faith to overcome any obstacle. In St. Martina we see the transformative power of martyrdom in Christian history. It is not just a tale of death and suffering, but a story of spiritual victory and transcendence. His legacy teaches us that even in the most difficult circumstances, faith can provide the strength to face challenges with dignity and courage. His mission reminds us that true strength lies not in physical power, but in the ability to remain true to one’s principles and the hope that faith can bring.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Martina, venerated as a martyr in the Christian tradition, embodies a profound aspect of mercy, understood as a spiritual force and witness to the faith. Although her story is characterized primarily by courage and sacrifice, underlying these themes is a common thread of mercy that illuminates her figure and witness. St. Martina’s mercy is manifested not so much in direct acts of compassion as in her ability to witness to the Christian faith in a context of extreme adversity. Her martyrdom, an act of supreme devotion and sacrifice, can be seen as a form of profound mercy in that it offers hope and comfort to those who are oppressed or persecuted. Her resistance to persecution becomes an act of spiritual mercy, offering an example of strength and encouragement to those struggling to maintain their faith. Moreover, the figure of St. Martina represents God’s mercy toward humanity. Her sacrifice is a symbol of divine love and mercy, which does not abandon the faithful even in the harshest trials. Her story is a reminder that, even in the darkest hours, God’s grace and mercy are present. St. Martina teaches us that mercy is not only an act of kindness toward those who suffer, but also a profound act of faith that testifies to God’s goodness and love. Her life and martyrdom remind the faithful that true mercy goes beyond physical compassion; it is a matter of the heart and spirit, a gift that sustains and inspires even in the midst of the greatest difficulties.


This holy Roman Virgin was descended from a celebrated consular family. Orphaned at an early age, she devoted herself with all the ardor of her youthful soul to the works of Christian piety, distributing with the greatest liberality the riches that her parents had left her in great abundance. There was no misery that she did not succor: no one ever knocked in vain at her door. In the poor she saw Jesus himself, the Divine Master who had said, “What you will have done to the least of your brethren, you will have done to me.” Since Christian charity was unknown in the pagan world, it was soon suspected that Martina was a follower of that Nazarene who came to preach, through his Apostles, a universal brotherhood even in Rome itself. The enemies of the Christian name kept their eyes on her and…


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