Saint of the Day for 3 July: St. Thomas

St. Thomas: Life, Teachings and Legacy of the Doctor of the Church


St. Thomas




1st century B.C., Galilee


July 3, 72, Mylapore, India


3 July


2004 edition



O Apostle Thomas, you experienced the apprehension of having to die with Jesus, the bewilderment of not knowing the Way, the darkness of doubt in the days of Easter. Thunderstruck by the encounter with the Risen One, in the emotion of newfound faith, in a rush of tender love you exclaimed, My Lord and my God! The Holy Spirit, on the day of Pentecost, transformed you into a courageous missionary of the Gospel, a tireless pilgrim of the world, to the ends of the earth. Protect this church in Frentana and grant that, more often each time, you may be found “on the road” proclaiming with passion and boldness, that Christ is the only Savior of mankind, yesterday, today and forever. Amen

Patron of

Ortona, Barrea, Caneva, Carlino, Moruzzo, Torrita Tiberina, Vallemaio, Dolcedo, Cerano d’Intelvi, Canelli, Anzola d’Ossola, Giovinazzo, Certaldo, Colle Umberto, San Tomaso Agordino


Of land surveyors, architects, surveyors

Roman Martyrology

Feast of St. Thomas, Apostle, who did not believe the other disciples who announced to him the resurrection of Jesus, but, when he himself showed him the pierced side, exclaimed, “My Lord and my God.” And with this same faith he is believed to have carried the word of the gospel among the peoples of India.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Thomas, one of Jesus’ apostles, is a fascinating and significant figure in the history of Christianity. His mission is characterized by a profound desire to understand and bear witness to the truth. Often known as “Doubting Thomas” due to his initial disbelief regarding Christ’s resurrection, his experience and subsequent declaration of faith “My Lord and my God” make him a powerful example of spiritual growth and conviction. After overcoming his doubts, Saint Thomas dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel with fervor. According to tradition, he traveled to India to spread Christianity, founding Christian communities that still exist today, known as the Christians of St. Thomas. His mission never stopped in the face of difficulties; he faced challenges and dangers with courage, guided by his renewed faith. Thomas is also remembered for his deep theological thinking, often reflecting on the mysteries of faith and seeking to understand the deeper meaning of Christ’s teachings. His thirst for knowledge and understanding drove him to seek answers that not only strengthened his faith, but also that of those he met. The mission of St. Thomas reminds us of the importance of facing our doubts and seeking the truth wholeheartedly. His life testifies that faith can grow through inquiry and questioning, leading to an even stronger and more dedicated testimony of the Gospel.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Thomas is a figure who represents divine mercy through his experience of doubt and faith. When Thomas expressed his skepticism regarding the resurrection of Jesus, Christ responded with compassion and patience, inviting him to touch his wounds in order to believe. This gesture of Jesus not only healed Thomas’ doubt, but showed him profound mercy, revealing that authentic faith can grow even through doubt. Thomas, touched by this experience of mercy, dedicated his life to bringing the same message of love and forgiveness to others. In his mission in India, he cared for the communities with great compassion, offering not only the word of the Gospel but also his human support. His ability to understand human frailties made him an empathetic pastor, capable of guiding people towards faith with kindness and patience. His story teaches us that mercy is a divine response to our weaknesses and doubts. Through the experience of St. Thomas, we see how God’s mercy can transform hearts and strengthen faith. His life is a constant reminder to practice compassion and love, welcoming the uncertainties of others and guiding them towards a deeper understanding of faith. St. Thomas invites us to see doubts not as failures, but as opportunities to experience God’s mercy and to grow spiritually. His story inspires us to be patient and merciful with ourselves and others, recognizing that we are all on a journey towards a stronger faith rooted in divine love.


Thomas, called Didymus which means twin, was a Jew: he had the privilege of following Jesus who called him to the apostolate from the earliest days of his public life. He made up for the lack of education by his candor, the simplicity of his soul and…


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