Saint of the Day for 29 June: Saints Peter and Paul

Saints Peter and Paul: Life, Mission and Legacy of the Pillars of the Christian Church


Saints Peter and Paul




June 29


2004 edition



O Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, I elect you today and forever as my special protectors and advocates, and I humbly rejoice, as much with you, O St. Peter prince of the Apostles, for you are that rock on which God built his Church, as with you, O St. Paul, chosen by God for vessel of election and preacher of the truth, and I beg you to obtain for me living faith, firm hope and perfect charity, total detachment from myself, contempt of the world, patience in adversity and humility in prosperity, watchfulness in prayer, purity of heart, righteous intention in working, diligence in fulfilling the obligations of my state, constancy in purpose, resignation to the will of God, and perseverance in divine grace until death. And so, through your intercession, and the glorious merits of you, having overcome the temptations of the world, the devil and the flesh, may I be made worthy to come before the supreme and eternal Shepherd of souls, Jesus Christ, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns for ever and ever, to enjoy and love him eternally. So be it.

Patron of

Crognaleto, Lamezia Terme, Petronà, Grimaldi, Savelli, Pedivigliano, Agropoli, Montecorvino Rovella, Melizzano, Torraca, Sasso Marconi, Anzola dell’Emilia, San Pietro in Casale, Ostellato, Castello d’Argile, Pontenure, Campegine, Fontanelice, Staranzano, Gradisca d’Isonzo, Majano, Tarvisio, San Pietro al Natisone, San Pier d’Isonzo, Bicinicco, Travesio, Villesse, Visco, Roma, Ardea, Avegno, Ceriana, Cosio d’Arroscia, Testico, Lissone, Saronno, Muggiò, Arese, Luino, Opera, Travagliato, Varedo, Morbegno, Arluno, Ponte San Pietro, Uboldo, Gerenzano, Turate, Pogliano Milanese, Vaprio d’Adda, Verdello, Rovellasca, Provaglio d’Iseo, Castrezzato, Pregnana Milanese, Sermide e Felonica, Bolgare, Cilavegna, Gottolengo, Alzate Brianza, Lonate Ceppino, Cantello, San Paolo, Vailate, Corridonia, Smerillo, Frontino, San Pietro Avellana, Volpiano, Oleggio, Borgosesia, Gattinara, Gravellona Toce, Favria, Crevoladossola, Invorio, Villar Perosa, Bernezzo, Tronzano Vercellese, Castell’Alfero, Castagnole Piemonte, San Pietro Mosezzo, Chianocco, Chiusa di San Michele, Quattordio, Casalino, Pogno, Malesco, San Pietro Val Lemina, Monastero di Vasco, Visone, Burolo, Desana, Sampeyre, Montalenghe, Castelletto Cervo, Oggebbio, Donato, Galatina, Assemini, Settimo San Pietro, Petralia Soprana, Bagno a Ripoli, Agliana, Bagni di Lucca, Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, Buonconvento, Piazza al Serchio, Castiglion Fibocchi, Scarperia e San Piero, Castelrotto, Laces, Brentonico, Ora, Parcines, Roncegno Terme, Chienes, Campo di Trens, Laion, Funes, Sesto, Vallarsa, Calceranica al Lago, Imer, Mezzana, Terragnolo, Soraga di Fassa, Madruzzo, Monteleone d’Orvieto, Châtillon, Villafranca di Verona, Montegrotto Terme, Noventa Padovana, Mareno di Piave, Mussolente, Pederobba, Mozzecane, Castelgomberto, Fonte, Fontanelle, San Pietro di Feletto, Nove, Agordo, Isola Rizza, Lamon, Marano di Valpolicella, Fratta Polesine, Valdastico, Valbrenta

Roman Martyrology

Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul Apostles. Simon, son of Jonah and brother of Andrew, first among the disciples professed that Jesus was the Christ, Son of the living God, from whom he was called Peter. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles, preached to the Jews and Greeks Christ crucified. Both in faith and love of Jesus Christ proclaimed the Gospel in the city of Rome and died martyrs under Emperor Nero: the former, as tradition says, crucified upside down and buried in the Vatican by the Via Trionfale, the latter pierced with a sword and buried on the Via Ostiense. On this day the whole world with equal honor and veneration celebrates their triumph.

The Saint and Mission

Saints Peter and Paul are two of the most significant figures of early Christianity, each with a unique and complementary mission that helped shape the Church. Peter, called by Jesus to be the “fisher of men,” is considered the first pope and the foundation on which Christ built his Church. His mission was primarily aimed at the Jews, bringing the message of Christ to the Israelites and guiding the nascent Christian community with authority and wisdom. His preaching and miracles were powerful tools for confirming the faith of the early Christians and attracting new believers. Paul, originally a persecutor of Christians, underwent a radical conversion on the road to Damascus. From that time, his mission focused primarily on Gentiles, bringing the Gospel to many different peoples and cultures. His extraordinary ability to communicate the faith through letters and his missionary travels had a lasting impact, establishing Christian communities throughout the Roman world. His epistles, which constitute a significant part of the New Testament, offer a profound understanding of Christian theology and church practices. Peter and Paul, despite their differences and sometimes conflicts, worked for the unity of the Church and the spread of the Gospel. Their martyrdom in Rome testifies to their unshakable faith and their total commitment to the mission entrusted to them by Christ. Their legacy is a powerful reminder of the importance of evangelical mission, spiritual leadership, and faithfulness to Christ. Their lives and sacrifice continue to inspire Christians around the world to live their Christian vocation with courage and dedication.

The Saint and Mercy

Saints Peter and Paul are exemplary figures of mercy in the history of Christianity, each displaying this virtue in deeply personal and public ways. Peter, despite his triple betrayal of Jesus during the Passion, experienced divine mercy directly when Christ rehabilitated him with love and commissioned him to shepherd his flock. This forgiveness transformed Peter, making him a compassionate shepherd who led the early Church with an open heart and renewed faith. His mercy was manifested in his ability to welcome sinners, heal the sick and preach redemption through Christ. Paul, from persecutor of Christians to fervent apostle, is another powerful witness of God’s mercy. His conversion on the road to Damascus was an act of divine grace, which radically changed his life. Paul not only welcomed this mercy, but transmitted it incessantly through his letters and his missionary journeys. He taught that salvation is not earned, but received as a gift of God’s mercy. His theology of justification by faith is a celebration of divine mercy, open to all, and his very ministry was an ongoing act of love and compassion towards the communities he founded and supported. Together, Peter and Paul demonstrate that mercy is at the heart of the Christian mission. Their lives teach us that no one is beyond redemption and that God’s mercy can radically transform hearts and lives. Their example inspires Christians to live with mercy, forgiving and welcoming others with the same love with which they were welcomed by Christ.


All of God’s People are indebted to them for the gift of faith. Peter was the first to confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Paul spread this proclamation to the Greco-Roman world. And Providence wanted both of them to come here to Rome and here to shed their blood for the faith. That is why the Church of Rome became, immediately, spontaneously, the point of reference for all the Churches scattered throughout the world. Not by the power of empire, but by the power of martyrdom, of witness given to Christ! (Pope Francis)…


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