Saint of the Day for 29 July: Saint Martha of Bethany

Unbreakable Martyrs and Lamps of Faith in the Darkness of Persecution


Saint Martha of Bethany




I Century, Israel


29 July 84, Marseille, France


29 July


2004 edition


Admirable Virgin, with full confidence I have recourse to you. I confide to you in the hope that you will fulfil my needs and help me in my human trial. Thanking you in advance, I promise to spread this prayer. Console me, I beseech Thee in all my needs and difficulties. Remind me of the profound joy that filled Thy Heart at the encounter with the Saviour of the world in Thy house in Bethany. I beseech Thee: assist me and my loved ones, that I may remain in union with God, and that I may deserve to be granted my needs, especially the need that weighs upon me. With full confidence I beseech Thee, Thou my auditor: conquer the difficulties that oppress me as Thou didst conquer the perfidious dragon that was vanquished under Thy foot. Amen.

Patron saint of

Varisella, Talana

Protector of

hoteliers, housewives, sisters-in-law, cooks, maids, hosts

Roman Martyrology

Memory of St Martha, who at Bethany near Jerusalem welcomed the Lord Jesus into her home and, on the death of her brother, professed: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world’.


The Saint and Mission

St Martha of Bethany represents an extraordinary example of how the Christian mission can be embodied in everyday actions and personal relationships. In the Gospel narrative, Martha is a figure of service, hospitality and devotion, qualities that deeply reflect Christ’s message and mission.

Martha opened her home to Jesus, creating a space of rest and community for Him during His ministry. This act of hospitality was not simply a gesture of kindness, but a concrete example of how we can participate in the Christian mission in our daily lives. Martha made her home a place of refuge and love, a place where the Gospel could be lived and celebrated.

Furthermore, Martha’s dialogue with Jesus at the death of her brother Lazarus reveals her deep faith and understanding of Christ’s mission. Despite her grief, Martha recognises in Jesus the ‘Christ, the Son of God’, testifying to her faith and her hope in the resurrection. This recognition is at the heart of the Christian mission – the proclamation of the good news of Christ’s resurrection.

Thus, the life of St Martha shows us that the Christian mission is not limited to grand gestures or major events. Every act of love, every gesture of hospitality, every word of comfort or faith can be a way of participating in Christ’s mission. St Martha invites us to see our daily life as a missionary field, a place where we can live and share the Gospel through our actions and words.

The Saint and Mercy

St Martha of Bethany is an emblematic figure in the area of mercy in the Christian tradition. In the Bible, Martha is presented as a model of generous service and hospitality. Her home in Bethany became a refuge for Jesus during his ministry, a place where he could find rest and companionship.

Martha’s mercy is evident not only in the hospitality she offers Jesus, but also in her attitude towards others. In John’s Gospel, when her brother Lazarus dies, it is Martha who goes to meet Jesus with faith and hope, despite her pain. Even in the midst of her suffering, Martha shows mercy and understanding.

Martha’s mercy manifests itself in a form of attentive and caring service. Her hospitality is not simply an act of kindness, but an example of how we can respond to the Christian call to mercy. Her life reminds us that every act of loving service is an act of mercy, a way of responding to God’s love for us.

The figure of St Martha of Bethany invites us to reflect on how mercy can be embodied in our daily lives. She encourages us to be generous in hospitality, patient in service and to have faith, even in times of trial and pain. In this way, she shows us that mercy is at the heart of the Christian experience.


She was the sister of Lazarus and Mary. This was a very distinguished and charitable family that Jesus greatly loved and often honoured with his presence.

Martha was entrusted with the care of household chores. She showed every effort to serve Jesus well, and St Luke relates that once, when she saw that her sister Mary was not helping her with her chores, she complained softly to her sister….


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