Saint of the Day for 28 January: St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas: Genius of Theology and Guide of the Christian Intellect
St. Thomas Aquinas
Priest and Doctor of the Church
1227, Aquinas
March 7, 1274, Fossanova
28 January
2004 edition
July 18, 1323, Rome , Pope John XXII
Most beloved St. Thomas, for the great gift of charity bestowed on you by God by which, anyone in grave spiritual than temporal need having recourse and you obtained ready relief, have mercy on me also and grant my prayer. I beseech you therefore with the keenest of my heart that you will impetrial me from the Most Holy Trinity the grace to reform my morals and fulfill the precepts of your holy law, that I may attain the end for which I was created. Present, I pray you, my every desire to the Lord, show him my miseries, obtain for me the remedy of them, and assist me with your powerful patronage in this life and particularly in the hour of my death. So be it.
Patron of
Naples, Priverno, Monte San Giovanni Campano, Grottaminarda, Aquino, Falerna, Pianopoli, San Mango d’Aquino, Belcastro
Of academics, booksellers, schoolchildren, students, theologians
Relics place
Jacobins Church
Roman Martyrology
Memory of St. Thomas Aquinas, priest of the Order of Preachers and Doctor of the Church, who, endowed with great gifts of intellect, transmitted his extraordinary wisdom to others through discourses and writings. Invited by Blessed Pope Gregory X to participate in the Second Ecumenical Council of Lyons, he died on March 7 en route in the monastery of Fossanova in Latium, and after many years his body was on this day translated to Toulouse.
The Saint and Mission
St. Thomas Aquinas, one of the greatest philosophers and theologians in history, carried out a mission that profoundly influenced Christian thought and the entire Western tradition. His life, dedicated to study and teaching, was animated by a tireless search for truth, which he saw as a path to God. Thomas’ mission was characterized by an intense integration of faith and reason. He firmly believed that revealed truth and truth attained through the human intellect were not only not in conflict, but could illuminate each other. This approach broke new ground in theology and philosophy, showing how reason could be used to deepen and defend faith. Thomas Aquinas strove to synthesize and explain Christian doctrine in a way that was accessible and intellectually rigorous. His most famous work, the Summa Theologica, is a monumental attempt to present the entire Christian teaching in a systematic and logical form. His writing was not just an academic exercise; it was guided by a deep pastoral concern to guide others to understanding and wisdom. His mission, however, was not without challenges. Thomas faced criticism and misunderstanding, both from the academic and ecclesiastical communities. Despite these difficulties, he maintained a constant and humble commitment to the truth, becoming a model of how faith can dialogue with the culture and thought of his time. St. Thomas Aquinas teaches us that the true intellectual mission is one that seeks to unite, rather than divide, faith and reason. His life and work remain a testimony to the immense human capacity to know God and his creation, and how this knowledge can profoundly enrich our faith and our understanding of the world.
The Saint and Mercy
St. Thomas Aquinas, although primarily known for his profound theological and philosophical reflections, also offers a rich and profound vision of mercy. His understanding of mercy is rooted in a unique synthesis of reason and faith, viewing this attribute not only as an act of God but also as a fundamental virtue for humanity. In Thomas’ thought, mercy is seen as a central element of God’s character, a manifestation of his love for creation. This merciful love is not passive; it is active and transformative, a reflection of divine goodness and compassion. Thomas sees divine mercy as a force that not only forgives but also elevates and perfects human beings. In parallel, St. Thomas emphasizes the importance of mercy as a human virtue. For him, being merciful means not only showing pity or compassion, but acting to alleviate the suffering of others. Mercy, in this sense, is closely related to justice; it is not just about responding emotionally to suffering, but acting justly and lovingly toward others. Thomas’ view of mercy extends beyond individual interactions, influencing his social and political thinking as well. He argues that a just society must be founded on mercy, that rulers should exercise their power mercifully, and that laws should reflect justice and compassion. St. Thomas Aquinas offers us a vision of mercy that is deeply intertwined with our understanding of God and human justice. His legacy teaches us that mercy is an essential component of the moral and spiritual life, a virtue that enriches not only personal relationships but also the entire fabric of society.
A star of special and unquenchable light shines in the sky of the 13th century; light that spans the centuries, illuminating minds: the Angelic Doctor St. Thomas. He was born in Aquinas in the year 1227 to Count Landulf and Countess Theodora, a relative of Frederick Barbarossa, lords among the most illustrious of those times. Educated in a Christian manner from an early age, he gave many signs of his future science and greatness. At the age of five he was entrusted for education to the Benedictine monks of Monte Cassino. He remained there until the age of fourteen, that is, until political turmoil decided his parents to take him back within the walls of their own castle. Later he was sent to the University of Naples, where, although very young, he manifested his powerful intellect, gaining fame among fellow students and…