Saint of the Day for 28 February: St. Roman of Condat

St. Roman of Condat: Heir of Monasticism and Founder of Monasteries in the 5th Century


St. Roman of Condat




390, France


463, France


28 February


2004 edition


pre-canonization, unknown



Saint Romanus, austere and good abbot, we confidently turn our prayers to you. Remember us before God, the almighty and merciful Father. To you we entrust the desires of our heart, the needs of our time. You, who entered, in total solitude, among the unexplored mountains of the Jura, carrying with you the text of the Holy Scripture and work tools, help us to spend our lives in assiduous and persevering prayer, in industrious and generous charity, loving the silence which is the homeland of God. You, who have been a spiritual master and guide, ask for us a renewed will to follow Jesus, the passion for holiness, the audacity to abandon the world of sin and evil, the joy of the desert as a place of intimacy of love with the divine Spouse. You, who without fear embraced two lepers, healing them from their illness, obtain for us the grace of compassion and consolation for every human infirmity. To you, who with the example of your life have led so many to the Lord, we entrust our desire to be luminous beacons that point to the beauty of his face and the saving power of his love. Amen.

Roman Martyrology

On the Jura massif in France, deposition of St. Roman, abbot, who, following the model of the ancient monks, first led a hermitic life there, later becoming the father of a great many monks.

The Saint and Mission

Saint Romanus of Condat, an emblematic figure of 5th century monasticism, offers us a profound and inspiring vision of how the Christian mission can be lived through monastic life and the founding of communities dedicated to prayer, work and contemplation. His life is a clear example of how dedication to God and the desire for solitude can be transformed into a powerful tool of evangelization and service to the Church. Romano, born into a noble family from Burgundy, felt an irresistible call to the hermit life from an early age. His choice to retreat to an isolated place was not an escape from the world, but a profound desire to seek God and live a life in full consonance with his commandments. His mission began precisely from this radical choice, demonstrating that the first step towards true evangelization is personal conversion and total dedication to the divine will. The life of San Romano became a beacon of spirituality and attracted many disciples who wished to follow his example. His ability to inspire others to a life of prayer and penance is a testimony to the strength of his faith and his personal charisma. By founding the monastery of Condat (now Saint-Claude), Romano not only created a center of monastic life, but also a spiritual point of reference for the region, significantly contributing to the spread of Christianity in the surrounding areas. San Romano’s mission extended beyond the spiritual guidance of his monks. He was deeply committed to service to the poor and needy, seeing this as a natural extension of his monastic vocation. His life demonstrates how love for God translates into concrete love for others, revealing that true contemplation always leads to active engagement in the world. Furthermore, the founding of other monastic communities by Saint Romanus and his disciples highlights the importance of community in Christian life. Their mission was not only to live in isolation from the world, but to create spaces of prayer and common work that were living examples of the Gospel, inviting everyone to conversion and life in Christ. Saint Romanus of Condat teaches us that Christian mission can take many forms, but it is always rooted in a deep personal relationship with God and in a commitment to others. His legacy reminds us that, through prayer, work and community, we can build a living and dynamic Church, capable of responding to the challenges of our time with faith, hope and charity.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Romanus of Condat, venerated for his fundamental role in 5th century monasticism, profoundly embodies the principle of mercy through his life and ministry. His choice to retreat into solitude for a more intense communion with God and the subsequent foundation of monastic communities were driven by a profound sensitivity towards divine mercy, which he sought to reflect in every aspect of his service. Mercy, in the context of the life of Saint Romanus, manifests itself first and foremost in his welcome of those who sought an escape from the turmoil of the world to dedicate themselves to prayer and penance. His spiritual guidance, which attracted many to monastic life, was imbued with a compassionate love for the soul of each individual, recognizing in each one the innate desire to seek God and live according to his commandments. This openness of heart, which he saw beyond human imperfections, is a clear sign of his mercy, which sought to emulate Christ’s unconditional love for humanity. Furthermore, the mercy of San Romano was expressed through his commitment to the poor and needy. His monastic life was not detached from the needs of others; on the contrary, he saw service to the less fortunate as a natural extension of his spiritual quest. Hospitality, sharing of goods and assistance to the needy were fundamental aspects of the community life that he had established, reflecting the belief that true mercy requires concrete actions of love and support towards those in difficulty. The founding of Condat and other monastic communities under the leadership of Saint Romanus can also be seen as an act of cultural and social mercy. By creating spaces where prayer, work and common life flourished, he offered the society of the time alternative models of existence, based on brotherhood, mutual respect and dedication to God. These communities became places of spiritual refuge, but also centers of cultural and social irradiation, where mercy translated into education, care and personal development. The life of Saint Romanus of Condat reminds us that mercy is a fundamental dimension of the Christian mission, which is expressed not only in prayer and contemplation, but also in welcome, service and the creation of communities based on the love of God and the next. His spiritual legacy continues to inspire us to live with mercy, following the example of Christ and his saints, to transform the world around us with actions of genuine and compassionate love.

The Condat Monastery

The Condat Monastery, founded in the 5th century by Saint Romanus of Condat, represents a significant chapter in the history of Christian monasticism. Located in today’s Saint-Claude, in the French Jura, this monastery is an emblem of the contemplative life and spiritual search that has deeply rooted its origins in the Christian traditions of the time. The foundation of Condat was not only an act of personal devotion by Saint Roman, but also a far-reaching gesture for the Church and society of his time, creating a place where prayer, work and community intertwined to form a vital fabric of lived faith. The Condat Monastery became a beacon of spirituality, attractive not only to those who felt the call to monastic life, but also to lay people who sought guidance and inspiration. Its presence testifies to the importance of monasteries as centers of spiritual, cultural and educational radiation in the Middle Ages. Through manual labor, prayer and study, the monks of Condat contributed significantly to the preservation and transmission of the Christian intellectual and spiritual heritage. Life in the Condat Monastery was marked by a rhythm that reflected a deep respect for the natural rhythm of life and the sacredness of time. This daily routine of prayer and work not only strengthened the internal monastic community, but also served as a model of balance and harmony for the outside world. The testimony of a life dedicated to seeking God in a community of faith and love offered a powerful counterpoint to the challenges and turbulence of the time. Furthermore, the Condat Monastery played a crucial role in supporting the needy and hosting pilgrims, thus embodying the Christian values of charity and mercy. This openness and willingness to serve others were concrete expressions of the monks’ faith and their commitment to living the Gospel authentically. Their community life, based on sharing and mutual support, was a vivid example of Christ’s love in action. Today, Condat Monastery continues to inspire as a symbol of man’s relentless search for God and the possibility of living a life deeply rooted in faith, despite changing historical and cultural circumstances. Its story reminds us that places dedicated to prayer and contemplation are essential to the spiritual well-being of the Church and the world, serving as inexhaustible sources of grace, inspiration and spiritual renewal.


Monasticism was one of the widest and most fruitful religious movements, producing effects of spiritual perfection and at the same time civil progress. That is why the host of holy monks is almost exterminated. It fills with light the darkest centuries of the Middle Ages; it leavens the life of that society which seemed oppressed by the most grim barbarism…


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