Saint of the Day for 27 June: St. Cyril of Alexandria

St. Cyril of Alexandria: Life, Theology and Legacy of the Father of the Church


St. Cyril of Alexandria


Bishop and Doctor of the Church


370, Theodosia of Egypt


June 27, 444, Alexandria, Egypt


June 27


2004 edition



O God, who made the holy bishop Cyril of Alexandria a stalwart assertor of the divine motherhood of the blessed Virgin Mary, grant your people, who recognize her as the true Mother of God, the gift of salvation in Christ your Son, made man for us. He is God, and lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen

Patron of


Roman Martyrology

St. Cyril, bishop and doctor of the Church, who, elected to the See of Alexandria in Egypt, moved by singular solicitude for the integrity of the Catholic faith, upheld at the Council of Ephesus the dogmas of the unity and oneness of the person in Christ and the divine motherhood of the Virgin Mary.

The Saint and Mission

St. Cyril of Alexandria, who lived in the fifth century, is one of the most influential theologians and defenders of the Christian faith. His mission centered on the protection and clarification of Christian doctrine at a time of great theological controversy. As patriarch of Alexandria, Cyril found himself at the center of crucial debates concerning the nature of Christ and the theology of the Trinity. His determination to defend the Orthodox faith manifested itself with particular force during the Council of Ephesus in 431, where he played a decisive role in condemning the theories of Nestorius, which advocated a division between the human and divine nature of Christ. Cyril firmly upheld the unity of the person of Jesus Christ, contributing significantly to forming the Christological doctrine that is fundamental to the Christian faith today. Cyril’s mission was not only theological but also pastoral. He worked tirelessly to lead his community, seeking to maintain unity and purity of faith. He was a spiritual leader attentive to the needs of his flock, defending justice and truth with zeal and integrity. St. Cyril of Alexandria teaches us the importance of defending the truth with courage and working unceasingly for the unity of the Church. His life is an example of how faith and intellect can come together to meet theological and pastoral challenges, leaving a lasting legacy of sound doctrine and spiritual guidance. His mission continues to inspire Christians to seek the truth and live their faith with dedication and courage.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Cyril of Alexandria is often remembered for his theological firmness and defense of Christian doctrine, but his life is also an example of mercy. As patriarch, Cyril demonstrated a deep concern for the spiritual and material well-being of his flock. His pastoral work was rooted in love of neighbor and compassion for those in need. Cyril showed mercy through caring for the poor and oppressed, using church resources to support those in need. His leadership was characterized by a sensitivity to human suffering, seeking to alleviate the hardships of his community through concrete acts of charity. In his defense of the faith, Cyril showed mercy in his commitment to protect souls from heresies that might have led them away from the saving truth of Christ. Although his approach could be rigid, his motivation was always guided by his love for the truth and his desire to lead the faithful to a deeper and more authentic understanding of the Christian faith. St. Cyril of Alexandria teaches us that mercy can take many forms, from practical assistance to the needy to passionate defense of the truth. His life invites us to consider how we can combine justice and compassion in our daily actions, serving others with an open heart and a commitment to the truth and love of God.


Cyril was the intrepid defender of Mary’s divine motherhood, the triumphant victor of that Council of Ephesus that ended an insidious theological controversy that had pitted the two most prestigious sees in the East against each other for years: that of Alexandria, Egypt, of which Cyril was bishop, and…


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