Saint of the Day for 26 March: St. Emmanuel

St. Emmanuel: Life and Worship of the Patron Saint and Spiritual Guide


St. Emmanuel




3rd Century, Anatolia


3rd Century, Anatolia


26 March


2004 edition



O God, who in the glorious martyrdom of St. Emanuel you gave us a sign of your loving presence in the Church, grant that we, who trust in his intercession, may imitate him in firmness of faith. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Roman Martyrology

In Anatolia, in present-day Turkey, saints Emanuel, Sabinus, Codratus and Theodosius, martyrs.

The Saint and Mission

The figure of Saint Emmanuel, although he may not be specifically identified among the saints traditionally recognized by the Catholic Church, symbolically recalls the profound meaning of the name “Emanuel”, which in Hebrew means “God with us”. This expression, deeply rooted in the Christian tradition, reminds us of the constant presence of God in the life of humanity, a presence that manifests itself supremely in the incarnation, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Reflecting on the mission associated with the concept of “Emmanuel” allows us to explore the dimensions of divine accompaniment and the call to action that such presence implies for believers. The mission linked to “God with us” is first and foremost that of the incarnation: God becoming man to walk alongside us, sharing the joys and sufferings of the human condition. This divine closeness is not passive, but is an active dynamic of salvation, which invites each person to recognize in Jesus, God made flesh, the face of mercy, unconditional love and hope. The presence of “Emanuel” in the world is therefore a mission of revelation and invitation to a personal and communal relationship with God. Furthermore, the notion of “God with us” calls us to be witnesses of this divine presence in daily life. As believers, we are invited to embody the mission of Christ through acts of love, justice and compassion, becoming living signs of God’s love for the world. This implies a profound internal transformation which translates into an external commitment to building the Kingdom of God, through care for the poor, support for the suffering, defense of the dignity of every person and commitment to peace. The mission associated with Saint Emmanuel also reminds us of the importance of hope and trust in God, especially in times of difficulty and uncertainty. “God with us” means that we are never alone in our struggles or doubts, but are constantly accompanied and supported by divine grace. This awareness can inspire courage and perseverance on the path of faith, motivating us to live with trust and to open our hearts to the action of the Holy Spirit. Reflecting on the mission of “God with us” in the context of the symbolic figure of Saint Emmanuel offers us a renewed vision of our journey of faith. It invites us to rediscover the loving presence of God in our lives and in the world around us, and to respond to this presence with active and active faith. The call to be witnesses of God’s love is a mission that unites us as a community of believers, pushing us to embody the hope and mercy of the Gospel in our time.

The Saint and Mercy

The symbolic figure of Saint Emmanuel, who evokes the concept of “God with us”, offers a rich meditation on the nature of divine mercy and how it manifests itself in the lives of believers. Mercy, in the context of this profound spiritual reality, is not only an attribute of God, but is a living and dynamic action that permeates the entire history of salvation, reaching its peak in the incarnation of Jesus Christ. This supreme act of God becoming man to share, save and redeem humanity is the deepest and most tangible expression of divine mercy. Reflecting on Saint Emmanuel and mercy invites us to consider how God’s closeness transforms our lives, continually offering us his unconditional love and forgiveness. This merciful presence of God calls us to a personal response: to live so that we reflect this same mercy in our relationships, in our words and in our actions. It means recognizing and embracing the inherent dignity of each person, exercising patience, offering forgiveness, and acting with kindness and compassion. Mercy, seen through the prism of “God with us”, also becomes a model for our mission in the world. We are called not only to receive God’s mercy, but also to become its instruments for others. This implies a careful look at the needs of the most vulnerable and a concrete commitment to alleviate suffering, fight injustice and promote the common good. St. Emmanuel’s example inspires us to be present in the lives of others in ways that bring healing, hope, and renewal. Furthermore, the mercy linked to the figure of Saint Emmanuel reminds us that God is close to us even in moments of trial and difficulty. His presence offers comfort and strength in life’s challenges, reminding us that we do not have to face existential storms alone. Trust in this mercy allows us to face fears and uncertainties with renewed hope and with the certainty that, even in the dark, we are accompanied and loved by God. Meditating on Saint Emmanuel and mercy opens us to a deeper understanding of the love of God, which calls us to live in a relationship of intimacy with Him and to extend this love to our brothers and sisters. This reflection invites us to embody mercy in the fabric of our lives, bearing witness to the saving and transformative presence of “God with us” in every moment and in every place.


The fame and even the beauty of the name of Emanuel is not related to a saint, but to the Savior Himself. For we read the angel of Matthew, who says, speaking of the birth of the Child of Bethlehem: “All this came to pass that what the Lord had said through the Prophet might be fulfilled: Behold, the virgin shall conceive, and…


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