Saint of the Day for 26 July: Saints Anne and Joachim

An example of faith, hope and dedication in the history of Salvation


Saints Anne and Joachim


Parents of the Virgin Mary


26 July


2004 edition


O Saints Joachim and Anne, protect our families, from their promising beginnings to the mature age, laden with life’s sufferings, and sustain them in fidelity to their solemn promises. Accompany those who, in old age, approach the encounter with God. Sweeten the passing, beseeching for that hour the motherly presence of your beloved daughter, the Virgin Mary, and of her divine Son: Jesus. Amen.

Patron saint of

Villongo, Garzigliana

Roman Martyrology

Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, parents of the immaculate Virgin Mary Mother of God, whose names are preserved by ancient Christian tradition.


The Saint and Mission

Saints Anne and Joachim were protagonists of a special mission within the history of Salvation. Their faithfulness to God and their dedication in waiting for and welcoming the birth of the Virgin Mary played a crucial role in the divine plan of Redemption. The mission of Saints Anne and Joachim was to be God’s instruments to bring into the world the one who would become the Mother of Jesus Christ. Through their faith and constant prayer, they prepared the ground for the incarnation of the divine Word. Their lives were an exemplary testimony of patience, hope and humility. They accepted God’s call with confidence and entrusted themselves completely to His will, even in times of difficulty and expectation. The figure of Saints Anne and Joachim reminds us of the importance of living our mission with trust and devotion. We can learn from them to be attentive to God’s signs in our lives, to persevere in prayer and to respond joyfully to His call. The mission of Saints Anne and Joachim was not only limited to the preparation for Mary’s birth, but continues to inspire us today. They invite us to be instruments of God in the world, to live our faith faithfully and to bear witness to God’s love through our actions and choices. May the example of Saints Anne and Joachim guide us in our mission, that we may be faithful servants of God and bearers of hope and love in our communities.

The Saint and Mercy

Saints Anne and Joachim were extraordinary examples of mercy in their lives and in their role within salvation history. Their story is marked by God’s unconditional love and compassion. God’s mercy was manifested in a surprising way in the lives of Saints Anne and Joachim, as they were chosen to be the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ. Despite their long barrenness and the challenges they faced, they continued to pray and trust in God’s goodness and mercy. Their patience and hope were rewarded by an extraordinary act of God’s mercy, with the birth of Mary, who would become the vehicle of the Incarnation, bringing salvation to humanity. The figure of Saints Anne and Joachim invites us to reflect on God’s mercy in our lives. They teach us to trust in God’s goodness, even when things seem impossible, and to live with compassion and love towards others. Their mission is a constant reminder to live mercy in our daily lives. We can learn from them to be instruments of mercy towards others, to forgive, to welcome and to love unconditionally, just as God does with us. May the example of Saints Anne and Joachim inspire us to live mercy in our lives, bringing God’s light and hope to all those we meet along the way.


S. Anne was born in Bethlehem in a humble dwelling, and was predestined by God to be married to Joachim. Both were of the lineage of David. The two spouses, chosen by Heaven to give us the Immaculate Conception, had been longing for a child for many years and prayed with tears to the Almighty to fulfil their wishes. Just as the ancient Anne, mother of Samuel, poured out her prayers to the Lord and vowed to consecrate to him the child he would send her, so Mary’s mother promised to consecrate to God the offspring she would send her…


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