Saint of the Day for 26 August: St Alexander of Bergamo

Martyr and Protector: The Unwavering Faith of St Alexander of Bergamo


St Alexander of Bergamo




3rd century , Thebes


26 August 303, Bergamo


26 August


2004 edition


O almighty God, who makes the wonders of grace shine in your saints and gives us admirable examples of virtue, grant that as we celebrate the feast of St Alexander the Martyr, patron of Bergamo, through his intercession and patronage, faithful to the religious and civil traditions of our fathers, we may imitate his examples of undaunted faith, industrious zeal and ardent charity. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Patron saint of

Bergamo, Melzo, Melfi, Caronno Pertusella, Pieve Emanuele, Cesate, Mosciano Sant’Angelo, Besozzo, Mozzate, Fara Gera d’Adda

Roman Martyrology

In Bergamo, Saint Alexander, martyr.


The Saint and Mission

St Alexander of Bergamo, martyr and emblematic figure of the early Church, represents the true spirit of mission. His life and supreme sacrifice for the Christian faith are living testimonies of the importance of proclaiming the Gospel, not only with words, but with concrete actions, even at the cost of one’s own life. In the context of Roman persecution, St Alexander chose to remain steadfast in his faith, becoming a point of reference for all those who sought hope and spiritual guidance. His mission was not limited to spreading doctrine, but was embodied in love, endurance and sacrifice, showing that the true message of Christianity goes beyond words: it is found in acting consistently with one’s faith. Her example invites us today to reflect on our role as Christians in the world, urging us to live our mission with authenticity and courage.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Alexander of Bergamo, celebrated as a martyr and patron saint of the city of Bergamo, embodies the essence of mercy in a profound way. His dedication to the faith and his courage in facing persecution bear witness to an unconditional love for God and humanity. His story reminds us that mercy is not only an act of compassion, but also a deep commitment to uphold justice, love and truth, even in the face of the most difficult challenges. St Alexander’s life thus becomes a beacon of hope and an example of Christian charity, inviting us to reflect on the importance of living with compassion and mercy in every moment of our existence.


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