Saint of the Day for 25 March: Annunciation of the Lord

Annunciation of the Lord: The Mystery of the Incarnation and the Beginning of Salvation


Annunciation of the Lord


The announcement of the virginal conception

Other names

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mary Most Holy Annunciation


2004 edition



O holy Virgin, whom the angel Gabriel hailed “full of grace” and “blessed among all women,” we adore the ineffable mystery of the Incarnation that God accomplished in you. The ineffable love you bear to the blessed fruit of your womb is our guarantee of the affection you have for us, for whom one day your Son will be a victim on the Cross. Your annunciation is the dawn of our redemption and salvation. Help us to open our hearts to the rising Sun, and then our earthly sunset will be changed into immortal dawn. Amen.

Patron of

Scanzano Jonico, Oppido Mamertina, Marano Principato, Giffoni Valle Piana, Langhirano, San Secondo Parmense, Romans d’Isonzo, Flaibano, Sabaudia, Spotorno, Borgosatollo, Ponte Lambro, Gussola, Albiolo, Rivarolo Mantovano, Santa Maria della Versa, Serina, Ponte Nossa, Turano Lodigiano, Gandosso, Brunello, Cremenaga, Dosso del Liro, Blello, Montaldo Roero, Motta de’ Conti, Bobbio Pellice, Roccaverano, Tuglie, Castro, Pedara, Brolo, Gagliano Castelferrato, Trappeto, Merì, Ficarra, Fiumedinisi, Raccuja, Viareggio, Magliano in Toscana, Vandoies, Tenna, Venezia, Sedico, Marano Vicentino, Arzergrande, Grisignano di Zocco, Roncà, Ceneselli, Carceri, Calvene

Roman Martyrology

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.



The Saint and Mission

The Annunciation of the Lord, which celebrates the angel Gabriel announcing to Mary the imminent birth of Jesus, is a fundamental moment not only in the history of salvation, but also in the understanding of our Christian mission in the world. This event, rich in humility and faith, offers a profound perspective on how God calls each of us to collaborate in his plan of salvation, accepting with trust and openness the role that he has designed for us. Mary’s response to the angel, “Here I am, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word”, is a model of availability and total abandonment to the will of God. Her acceptance is not passive, but active ; Mary opens herself totally to the action of God in her life, thus becoming the one who brings Christ to the world. This reminds us that our mission, at heart, is a matter of allowing God to work through us, to be instruments through which his love, his truth and his light can reach others. The Annunciation also reflects the depth of God’s incarnation, underlining the importance of the human and the divine meeting. God chooses to enter human history in a concrete way, through a woman, in a family, in a community. This teaches us that our mission is not disembodied or distant from people’s daily realities; on the contrary, it is deeply rooted in the fabric of human life, in its joys and its sufferings, its hopes and its fears. Furthermore, the Annunciation shows us that mission can require courage and confidence in the face of uncertainty. Maria accepts a task that will radically change her life, without knowing all the details or challenges it will entail. This act of faith invites us to trust God even when the path ahead of us is not clear, reminding us that He accompanies us and supports us in every step of our mission. Finally, the Annunciation of the Lord celebrates the beginning of salvation and the moment in which the love of God becomes flesh. This reminds us that at the center of our mission is the announcement of the good news of this saving love, a love that seeks to reach and renew every human heart. We are called to bear witness to this love in the world, not only with words, but through our lives, our gestures of welcome, service and compassion. The Annunciation of the Lord inspires us to reflect on our openness to God’s call and our willingness to actively participate in his work of salvation. He invites us to live our mission with humility, faith and courage, reminding us that, like Mary, we are called to bring Christ to the world in every moment of our lives.

The Saint and Mercy

The Annunciation of the Lord is a biblical episode that exudes divine mercy, revealing how God chooses to enter human history through a gesture of immeasurable love. This event is not only the beginning of the incarnation but also a profound manifestation of the mercy of God who bends towards humanity, choosing to become part of our human condition to redeem us. Through Mary’s humble “yes”, the Annunciation becomes the fulcrum around which God’s salvific plan revolves, offering each person the hope of redemption and the invitation to participate in divine life. Mercy in the Annunciation is revealed in a particular way in the choice of Mary, a young woman from Nazareth, who welcomes the call to become the mother of the Savior with faith and trust. This moment underlines that God’s mercy often manifests itself through the humble and the small, those who are open to his will and willing to serve according to his plans. Mary thus becomes a model of welcoming divine mercy, showing that true greatness lies in the ability to welcome God into one’s life and respond to his love with generosity. Furthermore, the Annunciation illuminates the dimension of mercy as an invitation to collaboration with God. Mary, with her “yes”, actively participates in the mystery of the incarnation, becoming the one who brings Christ to the world. This reminds us that we too are called to be instruments of God’s mercy, welcoming his presence in our lives and sharing it with others. The mercy received thus becomes shared mercy, a flow of love that extends from the heart of God to the heart of humanity through our words and actions. Furthermore, the Annunciation teaches us that God’s mercy is always a free and loving initiative. God does not wait for us to take the first step; it is He who comes to meet us, offering us love and salvation even before we are aware of it. This reality invites us to live with a deep sense of gratitude and to adopt an attitude of openness and availability towards the grace that God incessantly pours into our lives. The Annunciation of the Lord offers us a profound reflection on mercy as the beating heart of the Christian mystery. He invites us to meditate on the greatness of the love of God who becomes man and on our call to respond to that love with faith and generosity, in turn becoming bearers of his mercy in the world. The story of the Annunciation inspires us to view our lives through the lens of divine mercy, reminding us that every day is an opportunity to welcome and share God’s saving love.


The mystery that the Holy Church celebrates today is the Archangel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she had been chosen by the Lord from among all women to be the Mother of God, and the incarnation of the Word in her most pure womb. In ancient times, today’s feast was also designated by the name “Conception of Christ,” “Annunciation of the Lord.” This shows that it was celebrated more as a feast of the Lord than of Our Lady; only with the passage of time did it gradually take on a distinct Marian character. Today it is considered almost exclusively as a feast of the Blessed Virgin….


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