Saint of the Day for 25 January: Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle

St. Paul the Apostle: Journey, Teachings and Impact on Christianity


Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle


Adherence to Christianity


25 January


2004 edition



Glorious St. Paul, who, prodigiously converted to the faith on the road to Damascus, were thenceforth so much more fervent in zeal for the glory of Christianity as you were not terrible before in persecuting it; and so much did you love Jesus that you always suffered with jubilation, for his cause; imprisonments, scourging, stoning, shipwrecks, persecutions of every kind until by the impious satellites of Nero you had cut off his head: You, who called by God to ur special mission were always so humble as to consider yourselves the last of the Apostles, also giving shining example of humble obedience to the Head of the Apostles by not undertaking your preaching of the holy Gospel except after conferring with him; impart to us also a true spirit of docile obedience and submission, and obtain for us a living and generous faith that fears nothing when it comes to the cause of Jesus; and mirroring us in the shining examples of your life, always regulating our conduct to the standard.

Patron of

Torricella Sicura, Pescasseroli, Massa Lombarda, Concordia sulla Secchia, San Polo d’Enza, Ziano Piacentino, Gropparello, Montefiore Conca, Pasiano di Pordenone, Mortegliano, Stregna, Flero, Azzano San Paolo, Esine, Collebeato, Faloppio, Monte Marenzo, Zavattarello, Val di Nizza, Zelbio, Lirio, Force, San Paolo di Jesi, Fiastra, Seclì, Codrongianos, Solarino, Rumo, Introd, Breda di Piave, San Polo di Piave, Maser, Nanto, Terrazzo

Roman Martyrology

Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle, to whom, as he traveled along the road to Damascus still breathing threats and slaughter against the Lord’s disciples, Jesus himself manifested himself gloriously along the road so that, filled with the Holy Spirit, he might proclaim the Gospel of salvation to the nations, suffering much for the name of Christ.


The Saint and Mission

St. Paul the Apostle, one of the most influential figures in early Christianity, is an outstanding example of mission and conversion. His story is one of radical transformation from persecutor of Christians to one of their most fervent propagators. Paul’s mission was fueled by intense conviction and inexhaustible energy, which led him to travel far and wide, spreading the Christian message. What makes St. Paul’s mission unique is his approach. Not only did he proclaim the Gospel, but he also sought to contextualize it within the different cultures and communities he encountered. Paul understood that to effectively communicate the message of Christ, he had to adapt it to different social and cultural contexts, but without compromising its essence. His ability to dialogue with Gentiles and Jews, to confront kings and slaves, and to write letters that have become fundamental to Christian theology, demonstrates the breadth and depth of his mission. St. Paul did not simply spread a doctrine; he worked to create community, to teach, to counsel, and, above all, to embody in himself the message of transformation and redemption at the heart of Christianity. His life, marked by both triumphs and sufferings, testifies to his unconditional commitment to the call he received. St. Paul the Apostle teaches us that true mission is not just an act of speaking, but a path of lived life, a total commitment that changes not only the listener but also the speaker.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Paul the Apostle, with his transformation from persecutor to pillar of Christianity, embodies a profound sense of mercy both received and exercised. His experience on the road to Damascus is not only a conversion story but also a testimony to the redemptive power of divine mercy. Paul, having personally experienced this immeasurable act of forgiveness, transmitted this mercy in his works, teachings and life. Mercy, in Paul’s ministry, manifests itself as a central theme. He deeply understood human nature, recognizing his own weaknesses and those of others. This awareness led him to exercise mercy not only as a divine gift but also as a fundamental principle in his relationship with others. Paul taught mercy not only in theological terms, but actively lived it out, showing understanding and forgiveness, and encouraging communities to do the same. Through his letters and travels, Paul spread a message of reconciliation and unconditional love. His ability to forgive those who had persecuted him and to welcome all into the Christian community without distinction reveals a heart deeply touched by grace. In Paul, we see mercy as a powerful agent of transformation, not only for the individual but for society as a whole. His life teaches us that mercy goes beyond mere tolerance or pity; it is an active act of love and understanding that can break down walls of division and create bridges of communication and understanding. St. Paul the Apostle, through his extraordinary life, shows us that true mercy is a journey that begins with receiving grace and is completed in giving it generously to others.


One of the most glorious triumphs of divine grace is undoubtedly the conversion of St. Paul, which the Church celebrates today with a special feast. St. Paul was a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin. He was circumcised on the eighth day after his birth, and was called Saul. He belonged, like his father, to the sect of the Pharisees: the strictest sect, but at the same time the most recalcitrant to God’s grace. His parents sent him in good time to Jerusalem, to the school of Gamaliel, a famous doctor of law. Under this wise guidance. Saul became accustomed to the most exact observance of the Mosaic law. This zeal was precisely what made Saul the most terrible persecutor of the early followers of Jesus. We see him in the stoning of Stephen guarding the robes of the stoners, being unable to do anything else, not being of the prescribed age; he himself, however, stoned in his heart, not Stephen alone, but all Christians, having one thing in mind…


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