Saint of the Day for 24 July: St. Christina of Bolsena

The young martyr who lit up the sky with her faith and courage


St. Christina of Bolsena




3rd Century, Bolsena


3rd Century, Bolsena


24 July


2004 edition


O Saint Christina, glorious Virgin and Martyr, you who for so many centuries, in all spiritual and material needs, have unfolded your powerful patronage for those who have invoked you, and especially for us who adore you, devout children of this earth that was shown to you by God, smile upon us still benignly and pray for us all. Pray and keep faith alive in us, hope firm, love constant; pray that, in the hard struggles of life, by invoking you, we may overcome the snares of the enemies of our souls, and, after this miserable demand, that we may be able to rejoice in your smile in heavenly glory, and there sing to you the eternal hymn of love and gratitude. So be it.

Patron saint of

Campomarino, Bolsena, Santa Cristina e Bissone, Santa Cristina Valgardena, Lago di Bolsena

Protector of

arrows, the grindstone, snakes

Roman Martyrology

In Bolsena in Lazio, St Christine, virgin and martyr.


The Saint and Mission

St Christine of Bolsena was a young martyr and an example of unwavering faith in her mission to bear witness to Christ. Despite her young age, she showed extraordinary courage in defending her Christian faith. Her mission was to live according to the teachings of Christ, showing love and compassion towards others. St Christine refused to sacrifice to pagan gods, preferring to face martyrdom rather than deny her faith. Her witness challenges us to reflect on our mission as Christians in the world. St Christine invites us to be faithful to our faith, to be courageous in facing challenges and to be witnesses of Christ in our words and actions. St Christine of Bolsena reminds us that mission has no boundaries of age or experience, but is a task for all Christians. We can follow her example, embracing our mission with determination and love for Christ, bringing the light of faith to those around us. May the example of St Christine of Bolsena inspire us to live our mission with courage and fidelity, bearing witness to Christ with our lives and bringing the hope and love of God to all those we meet along the way.

The Saint and Mercy

St Christine of Bolsena was a living testimony of God’s mercy. Despite being persecuted and martyred because of her Christian faith, she showed a compassionate and generous heart towards her persecutors. Her mission of mercy consisted in forgiving her enemies and praying for them, thus demonstrating God’s love even in the most difficult moments of her life. The figure of St Christine invites us to reflect on the depth of divine mercy and our duty to be instruments of mercy in the world. She teaches us that mercy is a transformative force that can change hearts and heal the wounds of the soul. We can follow her example in our daily lives, practising mercy towards those who hurt us, towards those in need and towards ourselves. God’s mercy is a precious gift that we can share with others, bringing hope, reconciliation and love to a world in need of loving compassion. May the example of St Christine of Bolsena inspire us to be instruments of mercy in the world, spreading God’s grace through our gestures of love and forgiveness. May we be bearers of mercy, following the example of St Christine and embracing Christ’s message of love and compassion.


Christina was born on the shores of Lake Bolsena where her father Urban was governor. This man was a mortal enemy of Christians, and it can be said that not a day went by without him having some in his court. From the answers of the Martyrs, Christina learnt the first truths of the faith. Instructed then more deeply by some pious women, she became an ardent Christian. The good young woman did not speak of this to her father, but one day, overcome with compassion at the sight of a group of poor people begging her, she broke…


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