Saint of the Day for 23 June: St. Lanfranco Beccari

St. Lanfranco Beccari: Life, Miracles and Devotion to the Holy Bishop of Pavia


St. Lanfranco Beccari


Bishop of Pavia

Baptismal name

Lanfranco Beccari


12th century, Pavia


June 23, 1198, Pavia


June 23


2004 edition



O God, who hast given to thy people Saint Lanfranco Beccari bishop, by his help make us strong and persevering in the faith, to collaborate assiduously in the unity of the Church. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who is God, and lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen

Roman Martyrology

In Pavia, Saint Lanfranc, bishop, who, a man of peace, suffered much to foster reconciliation and concord in the city.

The Saint and Mission

St. Lanfranco Beccari, bishop of Pavia in the 12th century, is remembered for his fervent commitment to the reform of the Church and the spiritual guidance of his flock. His mission was characterized by a deep sense of justice and love of neighbor. Lanfranc worked tirelessly to improve the moral and spiritual life of his diocese, boldly facing the challenges of his time. His leadership was distinguished for promoting an authentic Christian life, encouraging clergy and laity to live according to the principles of the Gospel. Lanfranc devoted much of his energy to building and restoring churches and monasteries, creating places of worship and reflection that would sustain the faith of the community for generations. One of his most admired qualities was his ability to mediate and resolve conflicts. With wisdom and patience, he could bring peace where there was discord, demonstrating an incredible ability to reconcile differences. This mission of peace and unity strengthened the cohesion of the Christian community and promoted an environment of harmony and cooperation. St. Lanfranco Beccari leaves us a shining example of how dedication to pastoral mission and spiritual reform can transform a community. His life inspires us to always seek the common good, promote justice and live with integrity and compassion, following the teaching of Christ.

The Saint and Mercy

St. Lanfranco Beccari is an extraordinary example of mercy lived out through his ministry as a bishop. With an open and compassionate heart, he dedicated his life to serving the people of Pavia, constantly showing love and concern for those in need. His mercy was manifested in his dedication to improving the living conditions of the poor and marginalized, offering support and comfort to anyone in need. Lanfranco was known for his ability to forgive and reconcile people in conflict. His patience and wisdom were powerful tools in his peacemaking work, demonstrating that mercy is not just an act of kindness, but an ongoing commitment to building peace and justice. Through his example, Lanfranc taught that true mercy requires a generous heart and a willingness to reach out to others with unconditional love. In his ministry, Lanfranc devoted many resources to building and maintaining hospitals and charitable facilities, places where the sick and needy could find care and assistance. This commitment to practical charity reflected his deep conviction that the Christian faith should express itself in concrete gestures of solidarity and mutual aid. St. Lanfranco Beccari reminds us that mercy is at the heart of Christian life, a gift we receive and are called to share with others. His life inspires us to live with compassion, to seek reconciliation


Born precisely in Pavia into the noble Beccari (or de Beccaria) family in the first decades of the 12th century, Lanfranco was consecrated bishop of his city by Pope Alexander III. The reconstruction of his biography is due in the first instance to his successor in the Episcopal Chair, Bernard, who wrote, shortly after his death, a “Vita Lanfranci”: in which are reported, literally, life, death and…


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