Saint of the Day for 23 July: Saint Bridget of Sweden

Mysticism and passion for spiritual reform


Birgitta Birgersdotter


Religious, foundress


15 December 1303, Uppland, Sweden


23 July 1373, Rome


23 July


2004 edition


7 October 1391, Rome, Pope Boniface IX


With confident hearts we turn to you, Blessed Bridget, to ask in these times of darkness and unbelief for your intercession on behalf of those who are separated from the Church of Jesus Christ. By the clear knowledge you had of the cruel sufferings of our Crucified Saviour, the price of our redemption, we beseech you to obtain the grace of faith for those who are outside the one fold, so that the scattered sheep may return to the one true Shepherd. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Roman Martyrology

St Bridget, a nun, who, given in marriage to the legislator Ulfo in Sweden, educated her eight children in Christian piety, exhorting her spouse by word and example to a profound life of faith. After her husband’s death, she made numerous pilgrimages to holy places and, after leaving writings on the mystical renewal of the Church from its head to its members and founding the Order of the Most Holy Saviour, she passed to heaven in Rome.


The Saint and Mission

St Bridget of Sweden was an extraordinary woman, devoted to the mission of following Christ and spreading his Word. Through her visions and revelations, she received a strong impetus to live a life of devotion and service to God.

St Bridget’s mission was guided by love for God and humanity. She showed a deep concern for the welfare of others and sought to alleviate the suffering of those most in need.

Her witness of faith and commitment to mission challenges us to reflect on our call to follow Christ. We can learn from St Bridget to be faithful to our convictions, to seek God’s will and to put the needs of others at the centre of our service.

May the example of St Bridget of Sweden inspire us to live our mission with generosity and dedication, spreading the light of Christ in the world and bringing comfort, hope and love to all those in need. May we follow her example of selfless service and love of neighbour, responding to God’s call with an open and compassionate heart.

The Saint and Mercy

St Bridget of Sweden was a shining example of mercy in her life and mission. Her deep devotion to God was manifested through her compassionate love of neighbour.

Bridget showed great sensitivity to the suffering of others and offered comfort and help to those in need. Her mission of mercy was rooted in her faith in Christ, which drove her to put God’s love and forgiveness towards others into practice.

Her testimony invites us to reflect on the importance of mercy in our journey of faith. We can learn from St Bridget to reach out to those in need, to be compassionate towards others and to extend forgiveness as a sign of God’s love.

May the example of St Bridget of Sweden inspire us to live mercy in our daily lives, showing kindness, understanding and generosity to all those around us. May we follow her example of unconditional love and compassion, spreading the grace of God’s mercy in every aspect of our lives.

She founded…

The Bridgettine Sisters, also known as the Order of the Most Holy Saviour, are a Catholic women’s religious order founded by St Bridget of Sweden in the 14th century. The sisters take their name from Saint Bridget and are inspired by her life of faith and devotion.

The order of the Brigidine Sisters has a long history of service to the Church and society. The sisters are dedicated to prayer, contemplation and the work of charity towards those in need. They are committed to following the Benedictine rule, which includes a life of obedience, poverty and chastity.

The Brigidine Sisters are present in different parts of the world and are involved in various works of apostolate and charity. They dedicate themselves to education, social work, health care and pastoral work, seeking to spread Gospel values and respond to the needs of the local community.

A significant aspect of the Bridgettine Sisters’ spirituality is their devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a characteristic promoted and spread by St Bridget. This devotion drives them to live with love and compassion towards others, following the example of Christ.

The Bridgettine Sisters have a deep commitment to social justice, peace and environmental protection, working to promote human dignity and well-being.

Over the centuries, the Bridgettine Sisters have continued their mission of love, service and witness to the Gospel, carrying on the spiritual legacy of St Bridget and continuing to be a beacon of light and hope in the communities in which they work.


Bridget was born to Bridget, prince of Sweden, and Siegfried, descendant of the kings of the Goths. She lost her mother at an early age and was raised by her aunt. It is said that until the age of three she remained mute, at which age her tongue miraculously loosened and she began to speak perfectly. Not yet ten years old, the night after hearing a discourse on the Passion of Jesus, of which she was deeply impressed, she had a vision of the Saviour hanging on the cross, all covered in blood. At the same time she heard a voice: “Look at me my child, this is what those who despise me and are insensitive to the love I have for them are doing”. From that time he could no longer think of the mystery of the…


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