Saint of the Day for 22 March: St. Lea of Rome

Saint Lea of Rome: Life and Legacy of the Noble Roman Convert to Christianity


St. Lea of Rome




4th Century, Rome


March 22, 384, Rome


22 marzo


2004 edition



Saint Lea, be our teacher,
teach us also,
to follow the Word,
as you did,
in silence and by works.
To be humble servants,
Of the poorest and the sick.
With love and faithfulness,
To please our Lord.


of widows

Roman Martyrology

In Rome St. Lea Vedova, of whose virtues and transit to God St. Jerome writes.



The Saint and Mission

Saint Lea of Rome, a Roman noblewoman who converted to Christianity in the early centuries of the Church, offers a shining example of how spiritual transformation can lead to a life dedicated completely to the service and contemplation of God. Her story is a testimony to the power of conversion and the role of consecrated life as a profound expression of the Christian mission. After her husband’s death, Lea made a radical choice for the time: instead of continuing to live the aristocratic lifestyle she was accustomed to, she decided to give up her wealth and social status to embrace a life of humility, prayer and penance within a monastic community. This change of life was not only an act of personal renunciation, but a powerful sign of her total dedication to Christ, setting herself as an example of conversion and fidelity to the Gospel for those around her. The mission of Santa Lea manifested itself daily in the silence and simplicity of monastic life, where prayer and manual work were intertwined to form a path of holiness. Her life was a constant act of offering to God, a living example of how the search for Christian perfection is achieved through the practice of virtues and constant commitment to spiritual life. Lea demonstrated that holiness is not the exclusive prerogative of those in positions of prominence in the Church, but is accessible to all those who seek God with a sincere heart. Through her life choice, Santa Lea also became a symbol of mercy and charity, using her resources and her energies to support the community and help those in need. Her testimony reminds us that the Christian mission includes attention to others, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, reflecting the merciful love of God through concrete actions of solidarity and support. The figure of Saint Lea challenges the Church of every era to reflect on the meaning of true wealth and success. Her life is an invitation to evaluate our priorities in the light of the Gospel, encouraging us to seek first the Kingdom of God and his justice. Lea’s story challenges us to live our faith more authentically, demonstrating that true greatness is found in the ability to serve and love as Christ did. Saint Lea of Rome remains an inspiring model of conversion, humility and dedication to God. Her spiritual legacy invites us to rediscover the beauty and depth of consecrated life as a path of holiness, reminding us that the mission of the Church is achieved not only through words, but above all through the testimony of lives transformed by the encounter with Christ.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Lea of Rome, a woman of the Roman aristocracy who chose to dedicate her life to the service of God and others, profoundly embodies the concept of mercy through her conversion and lifestyle. Her story is a shining example of how mercy, understood as compassionate love and concrete action, can transform not only the individual who practices it, but also the community that is surrounded by it. Lea’s conversion to Christianity and her subsequent choice to embrace a life of poverty and prayer reflect a profound response to the call for mercy that permeates the teachings of Christ. By renouncing her social privileges and her wealth, Lea demonstrated a radical understanding of mercy as sharing one’s life with the less fortunate, identifying the face of Christ himself in the face of the poor and needy. Her decision to live in a monastic community, dedicating herself to prayer and manual work, is an example of how mercy can be experienced on a daily basis. In this context, Leah’s mercy was not limited to the distribution of material goods, but extended to a loving presence and spiritual support for those who shared her life. Her practice of mercy was intertwined with her search for a deeper relationship with God, demonstrating that love of neighbor and love of God are inseparably connected. Furthermore, St. Lea’s life reminds us that mercy has the power to bear witness to faith in a way that words and doctrines alone cannot. Through her example of humility, service and total dedication to God, Lea has become a beacon of hope and a model of Christian holiness for the Christian community of Rome and beyond. Her life is a living testimony to the fact that mercy, experienced in the context of everyday relationships, has the power to reveal the merciful face of God to the world. The story of Santa Lea of Rome invites us to reflect on the centrality of mercy in Christian life. He reminds us that being disciples of Christ means following a path of compassionate love, seeking to live each day so that our words and actions reflect God’s mercy and love. His spiritual legacy challenges us to look beyond ourselves ourselves and to respond with generosity and compassion to the needs of those around us, living mercy as a concrete expression of our faith in Christ.


In 384 in Rome died almost simultaneously the patrician Vettius Agorius Praetatus, consul designated as prefect of the Urbe, and the matron Lea, who, widowed at a young age, had refused a second marriage to the wealthy representative of the Roman nobility to join the first Christian women’s communities, organized by St. Jerome. The old ascetic from Stridone, who, embittered by the malicious insinuations that he exercised not only spiritual influence over the virtuous matrons Marcella, Paola, Proba and Lea, had abandoned Rome, and…


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