Saint of the Day for 20 June: Blessed Virgin Mary Comforter

Blessed Virgin Mary Comforter: Meaning, Devotion and History of Our Lady Comforter


Blessed Virgin Mary Comforter


Comforter of the Afflicted


20 June



O august Queen of Heaven, Lady and Sovereign of the minds and hearts of thy people, who, to show us thy special predilection, in the splendor of unusual light, in time of grave tribulation, thou wishedst to be found in the shade of a hornbeam tree, we love thee and thank thee for the continual protection thou hast granted to us, to our families and to thy devotees who honor thee under this title so dear to us. You, O Mother, who know our needs, come to our rescue, convert sinners, console the afflicted, grant healing to the sick, enclose us in your motherly heart. Give peace to the Church, the homeland and the world. O Mary, Mother of the Church, bless the Pope, the Bishop, the friends and benefactors of the orphans, gathered in the shadow of your Shrine; sanctify and multiply the Priests, the Religious and those who spread your devotion in the world; grant that we may all be preserved, until death, faithful to the grace of your divine Son. Amen.

Patroness of

Brognaturo, Levone



The Saint and Mission

The Blessed Virgin Mary Consoler is a figure of great comfort and hope for the faithful. Her mission is rooted in her role as a loving mother who intercedes for us before God, offering consolation in our afflictions and difficulties. Mary, as Comforter, accompanies us in our sufferings, reminding us that we are never alone. Her example of acceptance and trust in the divine will, even in the most difficult times, inspires us to find strength and hope in our lives. Mary Comforter is revered as the one who brings peace and relief to troubled hearts, helping the faithful overcome challenges with serenity and faith. Her mission is to bring us closer to her Son, Jesus Christ, guiding us through the storms of life with her motherly love. Her apparitions and the cult dedicated to her testify to her continuous presence and her role as mediator of divine grace. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary Consoler invites us to reflect on the mercy and compassion that Mary shows toward all of us. Her mission is not only to console, but also to teach us to console others, following her example of unconditional love and humble service. Her figure reminds us that, through faith and prayer, we can find comfort and strength in the loving arms of the Mother of God.

The Saint and Mercy

The Blessed Virgin Mary Consoler embodies divine mercy in a profound and tangible way. As the mother of all, Mary offers unconditional love and infinite compassion, welcoming and consoling anyone who turns to her with a sincere heart. Her life is a continuous example of mercy, beginning with her fiat, her yes to God, which brought the Savior into the world. Mary Comforter is close to those who suffer, sharing their sorrows and offering comfort. Her reassuring presence is a refuge for afflicted hearts, a source of peace and hope in times of difficulty. Her intercession is a sign of her infinite mercy, always ready to listen and answer the prayers of the faithful. In her role as Comforter, Mary invites us to experience and practice mercy in our daily lives. She teaches us to be compassionate, to forgive and to support others with sincere love. Her mercy knows no boundaries, embracing everyone without distinction, and reminds us that through love and mercy, we can find true consolation and inner peace. Mary, with her gentleness and kindness, leads us to a deeper understanding of God’s mercy. Her life and example urge us to be instruments of mercy in our communities, bringing relief and joy to those in need. The Blessed Virgin Mary Comforter is a beacon of light and hope, embodying the essence of divine mercy and inspiring all of us to follow her example of love and compassion.


Comforter of the Afflicted. This has been the title given to Mary, mother of Jesus, since the earliest days of Christianity. But what is the source of this “consoling nature” of Mary? The title in question, as the name implies, is meant to emphasize the human side of Our Lady and…


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