Saint of the Day for 20 February: St. Jacinta Marto

St. Jacinta Marto: The Young Visionary of Fatima and Her Path to Holiness


St. Jacinta Marto


Seer of Fatima

Baptismal name

Jacinta de Jesus Marto


March 11, 1910, Aljustrel, Portugal


February 20, 1920, Lisbon, Portugal


20 February


2004 edition


May 13, 2000, Fatima, Pope John Paul II


May 13, 2017, Fatima, Pope Francis


Our Lady of Fatima, you who chose Jacinta, humble and poor shepherdess, to announce to the world the desires of your Immaculate Heart, help us to accept your message of conversion, so that freed from sin we may live a new life. Oh Saint Jacinta, you who were capable of intense prayer, let the moment of daily prayer become for us the heart of each of our days. Amen

Roman Martyrology

In the locality of Aljustrel near Fatima in Portugal, St. Jacinta Marto, who, although still a young girl of tender age, bore with patience the torment of the illness from which she was afflicted and bore fervent witness to her devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Jacinta Marto, one of the three young visionaries of Fatima, offers a luminous and moving example of how the Christian mission can be lived even in the youngest hearts. Her short life was marked by profound spiritual experiences, which transformed her earthly journey into a testimony of faith, sacrifice and love towards God and humanity. Saint Jacinta’s mission manifested itself through her response to the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Fatima in 1917. Even at a young age, Jacinta understood the importance of the messages she received, which called to conversion, to prayer, especially the Rosary , and to penance for the salvation of souls and peace in the world. Her life thus becomes an extraordinary example of how faith and spirituality are not confined by age or experience, but are accessible to all who open their hearts to God. Jacinta’s mission was characterized by deep compassion for others, especially for sinners and for the souls in Purgatory. She was deeply touched by the sufferings of Christ and she desired to offer personal sacrifice and suffering as an act of reparation. This willingness to sacrifice and suffer for the good of others reflects an intimate understanding of the heart of the Christian mission: the love that gives itself, that sacrifices itself and that intercedes for the salvation of others. Furthermore, the life of Saint Jacinta is a powerful reminder of the importance of prayer and trust in God. Despite her young age and the physical suffering due to the illness that would lead to her death, Jacinta remained steadfast in her faith and her commitment to live according to the teachings received in the apparitions. Her spiritual resilience and dedication to prayer demonstrate that her inner strength and holiness are attainable with God’s grace, regardless of the circumstances of her life. Saint Jacinta Marto teaches us that the mission of being witnesses of the Gospel and living a life of holiness is open to all, regardless of age or state of life. Her legacy is an invitation to take our spiritual journey seriously, offering our lives, our prayers and our sacrifices for the love of God and for the salvation of the world, following the example of this young saint who, with her life, has touched the hearts of many and continues to inspire believers around the world.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Jacinta Marto, one of the visionaries of the famous events of Fatima, became a living symbol of divine mercy through her life and spiritual experiences. Despite her young age, she deeply understood and embodied the dimensions of mercy, showing an extraordinary sensitivity to the suffering of others and an ardent desire to offer sacrifices and prayers for the redemption of humanity. Mercy, in Jacinta’s heart, manifested itself particularly tangibly in her compassion for sinners and in her desire to prevent their eternal perdition. The messages received during the Marian apparitions in Fatima, which underlined the importance of conversion and penance, found in Jacinta a heart ready and willing to respond with a personal commitment. Her response was not just a question of obedience to heavenly requests, but was born from a profound emotional and spiritual participation in the sufferings of Christ and Mary for the salvation of the world. This young saint showed a mercy that went beyond the simple act of feeling compassion; it was a mercy that translated into action. Jacinta lived her life as an offering, accepting suffering and illness with extraordinary patience and strength, in the belief that such sacrifices could contribute to the salvation of souls. Her willingness to suffer for others was a reflection of the merciful love of God, who desires the salvation of all human beings. Furthermore, she Giacinta showed particular attention to the most vulnerable and needy, often expressing the desire to help the poor, to care for the sick and to console those who were afflicted. Her life is an eloquent testimony to the fact that mercy knows no boundaries of age or ability and that all are called to live by the principles of mercy, offering love, support and prayer for others. Saint Jacinta Marto teaches us that mercy is a powerful force that can transform the heart and the world. Her life reminds us that we are all called to be instruments of divine mercy, living with compassion and commitment to alleviate the suffering of others and to guide souls towards God. Her young age did not prevent Jacinta from becoming a beacon of mercy and of holiness, showing that the heart of every person, regardless of age, can reflect God’s love and mercy in the world.


Jacinta de Jesus Marto, seventh child of Manuel Pedro Marto and Olimpia de Jesus, was a shepherdess born in Aljustrel, Portugal on March 11, 1910, but she became famous, along with her brother Francisco and their little cousin Lucia, for witnessing some miraculous events: apparitions of Our Lady. Jacinta was a child like any other and…


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