Saint of the Day for 2 March: St. Agnes of Bohemia

St. Agnes of Bohemia: Princess, Religious and Patroness of Humility and Charity


St. Agnes of Bohemia


Princess, abbess


1211, Prague


March 2, 1282, Prague


2 March


2004 edition


November 28, 1874, Rome, Pope Pius IX


Nov. 12, 1989, Rome, Pope John Paul II


O God, who inspired St. Agnes of Bohemia to put before the allurements of royal dignity the undivided love for Christ your humble and poor Son, grant us through her intercession to turn our minds always to the goods of heaven and to live in communion of generous charity with our brothers and sisters. Through the same Christ our Lord.

Roman Martyrology

In Prague, Bohemia, now the Czech Republic, St. Agnes, abbess, who, daughter of King Ottokar, refused a royal wedding to be a bride of Christ alone, embraced the rule of St. Clare in the monastery she herself built, in which she wished to observe poverty with strict


The Saint and Mission

Saint Agnes of Bohemia, a 13th-century princess who renounced nobility and power to dedicate herself to a life of religious service and care for the poor, profoundly embodies the Christian mission of compassion and service. Her life choice, which led her to found the hospital of St. Francis in Prague and to join the Order of Poor Clares, is an eloquent example of how faith can inspire radical actions of altruism and dedication to others. Saint Agnes’ mission was distinguished by her tireless commitment to those in need and her ability to see the face of Christ in them. This approach to religious life and service to the poor reflected a profound understanding of the evangelical call to serve “the least of these” among us. Agnese recognized that true greatness lay not in power or wealth, but in humility and the ability to give of oneself to others, especially those who were marginalized and forgotten by society. Her work at the hospital of San Francesco and her leadership in the Poor Clare community demonstrated a vision of Christian mission that went beyond simple charitable assistance. Agnes was deeply involved in the spiritual and material lives of her charges, seeking to offer them not only food and shelter, but also spiritual comfort and opportunities for redemption. Her life was a continuous witness to God’s mercy and love, showing that caring for the poor and sick is a powerful form of prayer and worship. Furthermore, Agnese’s decision to give up an advantageous marriage and a life of comfort to follow her religious vocation is an extraordinary example of courage and fidelity to her spiritual values. This choice reflected her determination to live by gospel principles, even when it involved significant personal sacrifice. Her life demonstrates that Christian mission often requires going against the grain, choosing life paths that challenge social conventions and expectations. St. Agnes of Bohemia remains an inspirational figure for all Christians, reminding us that the call to follow Christ is a call to love, service, and self-denial. Her life encourages us to seek concrete ways to live our faith through actions of mercy and justice, showing that even today the Christian mission can be lived with the same passion and dedication that characterized the life of this extraordinary saint.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Agnes of Bohemia, a princess who consciously chose the path of poverty and service to get closer to God and her most needy children, embodies the essence of Christian mercy in an exemplary manner. Her life, marked by radical decisions that led her to give up privilege and power to embrace a life of total dedication to others, reflects a profound understanding of the heart of faith: seeing and serving Christ in the poor and suffering. Mercy, for Saint Agnes, was not an abstract theological concept, but a reality experienced daily. By founding the hospital of San Francesco and dedicating her life to the service of the sick and the marginalized, Agnese put into practice the evangelical teaching of selfless love. Her work was not limited to physical care, but extended to the spiritual nourishment of souls, offering comfort, hope, and a path to redemption to those who were often forgotten by society. Her life choice also represents a powerful act of mercy towards herself. By giving up a royal marriage and court life, Agnes freed herself from the shackles of worldly expectations to fully embrace her spiritual vocation. This authentic act of self-giving testifies to his search for a deeper and more lasting happiness, rooted in the love of God and service to others, rather than in the ephemeral goods of the world. Furthermore, the mercy of Saint Agnes was manifested in her leadership and leadership of the Poor Clare community. She created an environment in which sisters could grow spiritually, supporting each other in prayer and work. Her ability to inspire other women to follow her example demonstrates that mercy has a contagious power, capable of transforming not only the lives of those who receive it, but also of those who practice it. Saint Agnes of Bohemia teaches us that mercy is at the heart of the Christian mission. Her life is an invitation to look beyond our needs and desires, to see the suffering face of Christ in others and respond with concrete love. Agnese reminds us that, through acts of mercy, small and large, we can draw closer to God and contribute to building a more just and compassionate world, where every person is recognized, loved and served as a precious child of God.


Thirteenth daughter of Otakar, king of Bohemia, she was born in the royal castle in Prague in 1211. Her adolescence was marked by various proposals for royal marriages. From some Friars Minor who came to Prague she heard about St. Clare and…


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