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Saint of the Day for 2 April: St. Francis of Paola

St. Francis of Paola: Hermit and Founder of the Minims, Patron of Calabria


St. Francis of Paola


Hermit and founder


1416, Paola, Cosenza


April 2, 1507, Tours, France


2 April


2004 edition


July 28, 1513, Rome, Pope Leo X


May 1, 1519, Rome, Pope Leo X


O glorious protector of ours, St. Francis of Paola, who from the time you lived in this land was elected by God to be an instrument of his goodness and omnipotence in working wonders for the benefit of those Christians who with lively faith had recourse to your prayers; deh! turn your gaze benignly upon the devotees who implore your intercession. We beseech you to have mercy on us and obtain for us from God the graces that best respond to the spiritual good of our souls. By that ardor of charity which inflamed your heart, remove from us all that afflicts us. Grant, O Holy Father, that divine Mercy may triumph over us, which may console us with salutary deliverance, and with resigned patience; and so may the one and the other serve us as a happy prelude to the eternal glory of Paradise and So be it.

Patron of

Viggianello, Pescopagano, Terranova di Pollino, Castrovillari, Paola, Bisignano, Bovalino, Roggiano Gravina, Villapiana, Terranova da Sibari, Botricello, Altomonte, Maida, Roccabernarda, Cirò, Mandatoriccio, San Fili, Marcellinara, Tarsia, Sant’Agata di Esaro, Paterno Calabro, Calopezzati, Amato, Fossato Serralta, Corigliano-Rossano, Napoli, Bagnolo in Piano, Cazzago San Martino, Monopoli, Castellaneta, Carapelle, Otranto, Stornarella, Marsala, Milazzo, Castellana Sicula, Joppolo Giancaxio, Cefalà Diana


from epidemics, of seafarers, from fires, sailors, fishermen, from sterility

Official website

Roman Martyrology

In Tours, France, St. Francis of Paula Confessor, Founder of the Order of Minims; illustrious for virtue and miracles, he was enrolled in the number of Saints by Pope Leo the Tenth.



The Saint and Mission

Saint Francis of Paola, founder of the Order of Minims and patron saint of Calabria, exemplifies the concept of Christian mission through a life of extreme humility, prayer and service to others. His existence, marked by a profound love for God and an unconditional commitment towards those most in need, offers us an enlightening perspective on how faith can be lived in a radical and transformative way. The mission of Saint Francis of Paola takes place in a context of renunciation and extreme simplicity, where the choice to live as a hermit and subsequently the foundation of a religious order based on the principles of poverty, humility and penance, reflect an ardent desire to follow Christ in the most authentic way possible. His life is a living testimony of how detachment from material goods and immersion in prayer and contemplation are not an end in themselves, but a means to get closer to God and effectively serve others. Through his example, Saint Francis of Paola teaches us that the Christian mission requires constant openness to the Holy Spirit and a heart willing to become an instrument of divine will. His service to the sick, the poor and all those who sought his help, often accompanied by gestures of extraordinary charity and miracles, demonstrates that true spiritual greatness is manifested through concrete love for others, especially for the most vulnerable and forgotten by society. Furthermore, the life of Saint Francis of Paola reminds us of the importance of the silent witness. In his hermitage and in the communities of the Minims, Francis’ personal example and his total dedication to God inspired many to undertake a journey of conversion and spiritual deepening. This shows us that mission is not expressed only through words or external actions, but also through the testimony of a life lived in full coherence with the values of the Gospel. The figure of Saint Francis of Paola invites us to reflect on the meaning of our mission in today’s world. He challenges us to rediscover the value of prayer, penance and service as authentic expressions of our faith and as paths to personal and community transformation. His life inspires us to live more simply, to seek God with a pure heart, and to serve our neighbors with generosity and unconditional love. St. Francis of Paola emerges not only as a patron saint and founder, but as a model of Christian life that challenges convention and calls us to a deeper union with God and loving service to others. His spiritual legacy invites us to consider how we can, in turn, embody the mission of Christ in the contemporary world, following the path of humility, prayer and charity that he traced.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Francis of Paola, with his life dedicated to prayer, humility and service, profoundly embodies the concept of mercy. His existence was a living reflection of God’s merciful love, demonstrating through every action and word how mercy can transform not only the hearts of those who receive it, but also of those who give it. His life choice, rooted in faith and compassion, offers us a tangible testimony of how to live the Gospel in an authentic and transformative way. Mercy in Saint Francis of Paola is manifested in his incessant commitment towards those most in need. By founding the Order of the Minims, he laid the foundations for a community that lived the evangelical values of poverty, humility and penance, not as ends in themselves, but as means of opening up to God’s mercy and sharing it with others. This approach to religious life, deeply embodied in the daily life of the Order, created an environment in which caring for the poor and sick was not just a duty, but a joy and a vocation. His extraordinary ability to forgive and show compassion, even in situations of great difficulty, reveals a heart deeply touched by God’s mercy. Saint Francis of Paola understood that mercy is not just an act of benevolence towards those who have made mistakes, but it is a transformative force that opens the way to reconciliation, spiritual renewal and peace. Through his example, we are invited to reflect on how we can be instruments of mercy in the lives of others, offering forgiveness, comfort and support to those in need. Furthermore, the merciful love of Saint Francis of Paola extended to all creation. His life of prayer and communion with God was manifested in a profound respect for nature and animals, anticipating a message of ecological care that is extremely relevant in our time. His sensitivity towards creation reminds us that divine mercy embraces all that exists, and that we are called to reflect this love in our relationship with the environment around us. Saint Francis of Paola teaches us that mercy is at the heart of the Christian mission. His life inspires us to live with greater openness to the gift of God’s mercy, to share it generously with others, and to seek concrete ways to manifest this merciful love in our world. His spiritual legacy invites us to recognize that, through acts of mercy, we can draw closer to God and help build a more just, peaceful and loving community.

The Order of Minims

The Order of Minims, founded by Saint Francis of Paola in the 15th century, stands out in the history of Christian spirituality for its profound dedication to a life of prayer, extreme poverty and penance. This religious order reflects its founder’s intense desire to follow Christ through a path of radical humility, seeking to live the Gospel in its purest essence. The Minims’ commitment to renouncing worldly goods and to simplicity of life is not only a testimony of personal faith, but also a constant invitation to the Church and the world to reconsider the authentic values that should guide human existence. The Order of the Minims presents itself as a spiritual and concrete response to the challenges of its time, offering a model of community life that focuses on the search for God and service to others, especially the most vulnerable and needy. The rule of the order, centered on the vow of a “great penance” that included perpetual fasting from animal products, testifies to the extreme zeal of the Minims in living a continuous conversion, a constant return to the heart of the evangelical message of love and sacrifice. The spirituality of the Minims, with its emphasis on penance and humility, offers a unique perspective on Christian mission in the world. It reminds us that holiness does not derive from the accumulation of successes or the search for prestige, but from the ability to make oneself small, to serve others with love and to entrust oneself completely to divine providence. In this sense, the Order of the Minims stands as a witness to a spiritual path that sees poverty and penance not as an end, but as a means to grow in charity and union with God. Furthermore, the history and life of The Order of Minims emphasize the importance of community in spiritual life. The common experience of prayer, sharing and service helps the members of the order to support each other in their journey of faith, showing that the path towards God is enriched by brotherhood and mutual love. This community dimension is fundamental to understanding how the Order of the Minims was able to positively influence not only the lives of its members, but also that of the local communities in which they operated, becoming a spiritual and material point of reference for many. The Order of the Minims continues to represent a reminder of the radical nature of the Gospel, urging us to live our faith with greater authenticity. Their testimony invites us to reflect on how we, too, can embody the ideals of poverty, humility and penance in the context of our daily lives, rediscovering the transformative power of mercy, love and selfless service. In a world that often evaluates individuals based on success and the accumulation of possessions, the example of the Least challenges us to find true greatness in being small in the eyes of God.


S. Francis, called da Paola from his hometown, was born in 1416. His parents had him from the Lord through the intercession of St. Francis of Assisi. Trained from his earliest years in piety, he directed all his efforts to the acquisition of virtue, so that he appeared destined for great holiness…


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