Saint of the Day for 19 May: Pentecost

Pentecost: Meaning, History and Celebration of the Holy Spirit in the Christian Church




The outpouring of the Holy Spirit


19 May


2004 edition



O Jesus, adorable Head of the Church, who does not disdain to associate with Thy sufferings those of Thy faithful, accept the offering of my sorrows. Unite my pains with Thy martyrs, that I too, crucified with Thee, may be an instrument of salvation. In a special way I offer Thee the sufferings of this day: – for the conversion to the Gospel of non-Christian peoples; – for the unity in Thy Church of all who profess to be Christians; – for Thy Vicar, the Pope, visible Head of Thy Church, that his mission as universal Shepherd may be recognized and that he may guide Thy flock with light and ease. Grant that I may bear my cross today and always, with serene resignation, that I may one day be with Thee glorified in the Eternal Homeland. So be it.

Patron of

Gaggiano, Serravalle Sesia, San Salvatore Monferrato, Follina, Ravascletto, Allai, Soddì

Roman Martyrology

Day of Pentecost, when the holy time of the fifty days of Passover ends and, with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples in Jerusalem, we commemorate the beginnings of the Church and the beginning of the Apostles’ mission among all tribes, languages, peoples and nations.


The Saint and Mission

Pentecost represents a crucial moment in the history of Christianity, marking the beginning of the Church’s evangelistic mission. On that day, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, giving them the power and courage they needed to spread Christ’s message to all nations. This event not only transformed the apostles from fearful disciples to bold witnesses of the faith, but also ushered in a new era in which the mission of taking the Gospel to the whole world became the primary task of the Church. The infusion of the Holy Spirit meant that the Church’s mission was no longer confined to a small group, but extended to every corner of the earth, embracing all cultures and languages. Pentecost taught believers that their mission had to be supported by divine power, capable of overcoming every barrier and obstacle. This transformational moment underscores the importance of being open to the action of the Holy Spirit, who constantly guides and inspires Christians to live and share their faith with renewed zeal. The mission that sprang from Pentecost continues to be a call for Christians today to be living witnesses of the Gospel, showing God’s love for all humanity in word and deed. Pentecost, therefore, is not just an event of the past, but a continuous invitation to renew one’s commitment to the Gospel mission, nurtured by the constant presence of the Holy Spirit.

The Saint and Mercy

Pentecost is a powerful symbol of divine mercy in action. When the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, it was an act of infinite mercy that transformed them, filling their weaknesses with the strength and courage needed to carry Christ’s message to the world. This event marked the birth of the Church and the moment when God’s mercy was extended to all peoples, breaking down language and cultural barriers. The descent of the Holy Spirit represents God’s will not to abandon humanity, but to remain present and active through the gift of the Spirit. This gift enables believers to live a transformed life rooted in compassion, forgiveness and love. Pentecost demonstrates that mercy is not just an abstract concept, but a dynamic force at work in the world, renewing and strengthening the hearts of believers. The effect of Pentecost continues to manifest itself today, inspiring Christians to live mercy in every aspect of their lives. The ability to forgive, to reach out to those in need, and to witness to God’s love is a direct fruit of that first outpouring of the Spirit. In this way, Pentecost remains a constant reminder to be instruments of divine mercy, bringing hope and reconciliation to a world that always needs it.


“ …I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go away, for if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you; when I am gone, I will send him to you, and when he comes, he will convince the world as to sin and righteousness and judgment.” So Jesus had told the Apostles shortly before he ascended to heaven….


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