Saint of the Day for 19 March: St. Joseph
St. Joseph: Guardian of the Redeemer and Model of Faithfulness and Virtue
St. Joseph
Bridegroom of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1st cent. b.c.e., Bethlehem
1st century CE, Nazareth
19 March
2004 edition
To you, O blessed Joseph, straitened by tribulation we turn and confidently invoke your patronage, together with that of your most holy Bride. Deh! By that sacred bond of charity, which clasped thee to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by the paternal love which thou didst bear to the infant Jesus, regard, we beseech thee, with a benign eye, the dear inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased with his blood, and by thy power and help succor our needs. Protect, O provident Custodian of the divine Family, the elect offspring of Jesus Christ; banish from us, O beloved Father, the plague of errors and vices that corrupts the world; assist us propitiously from heaven in this struggle against the power of darkness, O our strongest protector; and as once thou didst save from death the threatened life of the child Jesus, so now defend the holy Church of God from hostile snares and from all adversity; and extend thy patronage over each one of us evermore, that by thy example and through thy succor we may virtuously live, piously die, and attain eternal bliss in heaven. Amen.
Patron of
San Martino sulla Marrucina, Castelvecchio Calvisio, Rocca Pia, Nova Siri, Bella, Nicotera, Santa Maria del Cedro, Gimigliano, Molochio, San Sosti, Scigliano, Santa Domenica Talao, Ferruzzano, Pazzano, San Giuseppe Vesuviano, Calabritto, Fontegreca, Pieve di Cento, Castell Arquato, Jolanda di Savoia, Farini, Pellegrino Parmense, Corte Brugnatella, Treppo Grande, Taipana, Dolegna del Collio, Ladispoli, Fonte Nuova, Santa Marinella, Monte Compatri, Sermoneta, La Spezia, Dalmine, Grosio, Cassina Rizzardi, Pognano, Filighera, Forcola, Piadena Drizzona, Montecassiano, Castelplanio, Carpinone, Torino, Samone, Valstrona, Grosso, Rassa, Capurso, Sannicandro di Bari, San Marzano di San Giuseppe, Faggiano, Valledoria, Golfo Aranci, Bagheria, Villabate, Sant’Agata di Militello, Casteldaccia, Randazzo, Ramacca, Santa Croce Camerina, Fiumefreddo di Sicilia, Santa Maria di Licodia, Mirabella Imbaccari, Spadafora, Piraino, Mazzarrone, Cattolica Eraclea, Nizza di Sicilia, Villafrati, Raddusa, Milena, Nissoria, Mezzojuso, Letojanni, Oliveri, Villalba, Salaparuta, Montedoro, Roccamena, Campofiorito, Godrano, Cassaro, Campofelice di Fitalia, Cecina, Lagundo, Salorno, Samone, Altopiano della Vigolana, Orvieto, Montegabbione, Venezia, Cassola, Piombino Dese, Zanè, Vidor, Lozzo Atestino, Monte di Malo, Gaiba
Carpenters, of bursars, carpenters, workers, dying, fathers, solicitors
Roman Martyrology
In Judea the birthplace of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Confessor, who by the Supreme Pontiff Pius the Ninth, according to the vows and prayers of the whole Catholic Orb, was declared Patron of the Universal Church.
The Saint and Mission
Saint Joseph, in his humble but profoundly significant presence in the Gospels, embodies the very heart of the Christian mission through silent dedication to the will of God and the service of the Holy Family. His life, although often overshadowed by the more striking figures of the New Testament, offers an invaluable model of obedience, humility and unconditional faith that translates into concrete action for the good of others. The mission of Saint Joseph takes place in a daily life that challenges our conceptions of greatness and success. We do not find in him memorable speeches or spectacular miracles; instead, his greatness is revealed in the silent acceptance of his role as guardian of the Messiah and as devoted husband of Mary. This acceptance is not passive, but requires exceptional courage and strength of mind: he decides to protect and support Maria in the face of a miraculous pregnancy that could have exposed her to social contempt and even her death. Joseph’s mission is also manifested in his prompt response to divine directives, received through dreams, which lead him to flee to Egypt to save Jesus from Herod’s murderous fury. This proactive obedience highlights an essential characteristic of Christian mission: listening attentively and responding confidently to God’s guidance, even when it leads down unexpected or difficult paths. In Joseph, we also see the value of spiritual fatherhood, a key element of the Christian mission. Through his example of life, work and faith, he educates Jesus not only in the practical ways of life, but also in the profound values that underlie a true relationship with God and with others. The figure of him represents the importance of transmitting the faith through example, emphasizing that the mission is realized not only in words but in being living witnesses of the values of the Gospel. Saint Joseph teaches us that the mission can be lived in a profoundly meaningful way even away from the spotlight, in silence and hiddenness, through daily fidelity to the commitments made before God and others. His life is a reminder that every act of love, every decision made for the good of others, every step taken in obedience to God, contributes to the realization of the kingdom of God on this earth. The mission of St. Joseph invites us to recognize the value and power of humility, faith and silent service. He reminds us that holiness is achieved not only through extraordinary gestures, but also through faithful dedication to daily responsibilities, seeing in them the opportunity to serve God and contribute to the greater good of the human community. St. Joseph is a beacon to all who seek to live a life of authentic Christian mission, showing us that true impact is measured not by the visibility of our actions, but by the depth of our faith and love.
The Saint and Mercy
Saint Joseph, in the Christian tradition, is venerated as the silent guardian of the Redeemer and as a model of virtue, in particular of faithfulness, humility and mercy. His life, although told in a few lines in the Gospels, offers a profound testimony of how mercy can be experienced through welcome, protection and discreet and constant support towards those entrusted to us. The mercy of Saint Joseph is manifested first and foremost in his unconditional acceptance of Mary and her virginal conception. Faced with a situation that could have generated misunderstanding and judgement, Joseph chooses to respond with trust and love, exemplifying mercy as welcoming others, despite mysterious or difficult circumstances. This choice to believe in the angel of the Lord and to take Mary as his wife reveals a depth of character and an ability to see beyond appearances, trusting in divine providence. Furthermore, the figure of Joseph as Jesus’ foster father underlines his role as guardian and protector. His promptness in rescuing the Holy Family by fleeing to Egypt to escape Herod’s persecution is an act of mercy that goes beyond the call of duty, showing a total commitment to the safety and well-being of Mary and the baby Jesus. His life is marked by a series of discreet but powerful actions, which highlight how mercy can be expressed through daily care and personal sacrifice. Saint Joseph also represents mercy through his work and his ethics. As a craftsman, Joseph taught Jesus not only a trade, but also the value of work done with integrity and dedication. This aspect of his life reflects mercy as dignity in work and as a means of supporting and nurturing one’s family and, by extension, the community. His silence and humility, far from being signs of passivity, are expressions of an inner strength and a profound trust in the will of God. Devotion to Saint Joseph over the centuries has emphasized his role as intercessor and guide for those who seek to live a life of authentic faith and loving service to others. His ability to exercise mercy in ways as varied as they are meaningful makes him a model for all Christians who wish to embody the love and compassion of Christ in their lives. Saint Joseph teaches us that mercy is a virtue that manifests itself in daily actions, in silent and constant support for those entrusted to us, and in unconditional trust in God’s guidance. His life is an invitation to reflect on how we can be instruments of mercy in our families, in our communities and in the world, following his example of faithfulness, humility and generous love.
S. Joseph, the greatest of the saints the Church venerates after the Blessed Virgin, was of royal but fallen lineage. His sublime life remained hidden and unknown: no historian wrote his memoirs, but of his holiness we have the most beautiful testimonies in Holy Scripture. God in his arcane designs had destined Joseph to be the nurturer of the Savior Jesus Christ, and bridegroom and…