Saint of the Day for 18 July: Saint Frederick of Utrecht

A warrior’s conversion to the mission of peace and reconciliation


Saint Frederick of Utrecht




781 circa, Utrecht


18 July 838, Utrecht


18 July


2004 edition


O Lord, grant that through the intercession of your saints, and in particular of Bishop St. Frederick of Utrecht who contributed to evangelisation through his bishopric, humanity may return to the practice of the Christian faith for a new evangelisation in this third millennium to the praise and glory of your name and the triumph of the Church. Amen

Roman Martyrology

In Utrecht Saint Frederick, Bishop and Martyr.


The Saint and Mission

St Frederick of Utrecht was an extraordinary example of transformation and dedication to the mission of peace and reconciliation. From warrior to pastor, he abandoned violence and embraced Christ’s message of love and forgiveness. St Frederick’s mission was to build bridges between people, overcoming divisions and conflicts. He worked tirelessly to promote unity and fraternity, seeking to bring people together in the name of Christ. His testimony leads us to reflect on our ability to change and embrace the mission of peace in our daily lives. St Frederick teaches us that reconciliation and forgiveness can transform situations of conflict into opportunities for growth and healing. The figure of St. Frederick invites us to seek inner peace and to spread the love of Christ through our words and actions. His mission inspires us to be builders of peace in the world, to be instruments of reconciliation and to work to overcome divisions that undermine harmony and fraternity. May the example of St Frederick of Utrecht inspire us to live our mission with courage and generosity, witnessing to God’s love in every area of our lives and working for a more just and peaceful world.

The Saint and Mercy

St Frederick of Utrecht was an extraordinary model of mercy in his life and mission. From being a warrior, he transformed himself into a compassionate pastor, bringing the love and mercy of Christ to all those he met along his path. His mission was driven by compassion and a willingness to forgive. St Frederick showed extraordinary generosity in welcoming sinners and offering them a second chance. He understood the value of divine mercy and extended it to others, giving hope and reconciliation. St Frederick reminds us that mercy is an act of love that overcomes judgement and opens the door to reconciliation. His life is a reminder to practise mercy in every aspect of our existence, to forgive others and extend a hand to those in need. His witness prompts us to reflect on the power of mercy to transform lives and relationships. St. Frederick invites us to imitate God’s mercy, to be instruments of forgiveness and compassion, and to spread the grace of mercy in the world. May the example of St Frederick of Utrecht inspire us to live mercy in our daily lives, to seek opportunities to forgive and to show love and understanding towards others. May we become bearers of mercy, following his example of generosity and compassion towards all those we meet along our path.


Frederick was bishop of Utrecht from around 820 until his death. A nephew of the Frisian king Radbodo, he was ordained a priest of the diocese of Utrecht and was in charge of the education of catechumens: he succeeded Bishop Ricfrido in the episcopate and was responsible for the completion of the evangelisation of the Frisians, for which he entrusted Saint Odulfo (who was later his biographer); he was also…


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