Saint of the Day for 17 June: St. Rainier of Pisa

St. Rainier of Pisa: Life, Miracles and Devotion to the Patron Saint of Pisa


St. Rainier of Pisa



Baptismal name

Ranieri Scacceri


1118, Pisa


June 17, 1161, Pisa


17 June


2004 edition


We thank you, O God the Holy Father, that through the ages and generations, you enrich your Church by giving her Saints, wondrous signs of Christ your Son. We thank Thee for St. Rainier, our Patron: in him Thou hast given us a shining example of penance and prayer, of sincere pursuit of Thy glory and attention to the needs of the poor. Communion with You impelled him to the service of the common good so that his Pisa might grow in concord and peace; and in faith every citizen might become a sign and instrument of the new humanity reconciled in love. O Father, accept our prayer, and grant us, through the intercession of St. Ranieri, to learn from him to seek You alone, to turn ever more to Christ your Son, as the only reference of our lives, so that, strengthened by your Spirit of Love, we may be in the Church and in the world praise and glory of your name. Amen

Patron of


Roman Martyrology

In Pisa, St. Rainier, poor man and pilgrim for Christ.


The Saint and Mission

Saint Ranieri of Pisa is an extraordinary figure of faith and conversion, whose mission has left a lasting imprint on the history of the Church and his hometown of Pisa. Born in the 12th century, Ranieri began life as a rich and carefree young man, but an encounter with a hermit saint led him to a profound conversion. He abandoned his wealth and embarked on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, where he lived for many years in prayer and penance. St. Rainier’s mission was marked by a return to Pisa, where he devoted himself to caring for the poor and marginalized, living in extreme poverty and austerity. His life of prayer and service inspired many and became a model of holiness for the community. Ranieri was known for his humility and his ability to attract others to a life of faith through his personal example. His reputation for holiness grew, and after his death, many miracles were attributed to his intercession, solidifying his reputation as the patron saint of Pisa. St. Ranieri’s mission lives on in the memory and devotion of the faithful, who see in him a powerful intercessor and an example of a life transformed by an encounter with God. His life reminds us that the true Christian mission is rooted in love, service and total dedication to God and neighbor.

The Saint and Mercy

Saint Ranieri of Pisa is an exemplary model of Christian mercy, transforming his life from a rich and carefree young man to a man of deep compassion and service. After his conversion, experienced through an intense pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Ranieri returned to Pisa with a completely renewed heart, devoting himself to the poor and marginalized. His mercy was manifested in his ability to see the face of Christ in the needy, offering not only material help but also spiritual comfort. Ranieri lived in extreme poverty, sharing everything he had and showing unconditional love toward anyone he met. This dedication to his neighbor was not just an act of charity, but a true vocation to live God’s mercy in the everyday. Her life of penance and prayer was deeply connected with her commitment to others, creating an indissoluble link between contemplation and action. His reputation for holiness grew not only because of the miracles attributed to his intercession, but also because of his extraordinary ability to love and serve without reservation. St. Rainier teaches us that mercy is the beating heart of the Christian life, an invitation to radically live God’s love through concrete gestures of compassion and service. His legacy continues to inspire, reminding us that every act of mercy, no matter how small, can transform the world around us.


Wealthy merchant, able to read Latin, entered into a relationship with an ascetic in Pisa, converted and decided to abandon worldly life. Ranieri’s life underwent a profound transformation in his younger years; in 1140 he went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, where he lived for thirteen years, becoming a hermit…


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